Half of the world’s liver cancers are in China, do 3 things, or “say goodbye” to liver cancer

I don’t know if you have ever experienced such a situation. There was a period of time when your appetite was not particularly good. You didn’t eat much, but you just couldn’t digest it, and you felt bloated and stomach pain after eating a little bit of food.

After a long time, the stomach is getting bigger and bigger, but the spirit is getting worse and worse. The whole person looks listless, and after walking a few more steps, he begins to pant. When I go to bed at night, I don’t sleep well and still dream, and I wake up once in less than an hour or two…

So what is going on here? In fact, this may be a physical discomfort caused by a weak spleen and stomach and poor functioning. Today, Dr. Liu shared two herbs, which can be said to be specially aimed at the weak of the spleen and stomach, and have the effects of invigorating the spleen and digesting food, promoting qi and removing dampness.

What is weak spleen and stomach

In Chinese medicine, the spleen and stomach are mutually internal and external, if any of these two organs have problems, then The other side will be involved, and in the field of Chinese medicine, our digestive system is completed by the spleen and stomach together.

The spleen is in charge of transportation and transformation, and is responsible for digesting and converting food into the stomach into subtle substances, which are then distributed throughout the body.

The stomach is in charge of storage, takes over what we eat, and turns into chyme after being decomposed in the stomach for intestinal absorption.

The spleen and stomach are responsible for different things, so if there is a problem with the spleen and stomach, the symptoms will be different. If there is a problem with the spleen, the most common manifestations are abdominal distension, loose stools, poor appetite, edema, visceral sagging, chronic bleeding disorders, etc.

If there is a problem with the stomach, the most common symptoms are bloating, stomach pain, belching, nausea, vomiting, hiccups, etc.

There are three factors that cause weakness of the spleen and stomach

1. Poor diet

Usually there is no restraint in diet, whether it is hot, cold, warm or cold, or overeating, eating less or not, etc., which will directly affect the health of the spleen and stomach. According to Chinese medicine, the stomach likes moistening and hates dryness, while the spleen likes dryness and hates dampness. For example, if you usually like to eat some cold food, it will damage the yang qi of the spleen and stomach. If you usually like spicy food and like to eat spicy and stimulating food, then it will deplete the yin in the body and hurt the stomach.

2. Thinking too much

Sometimes too much thinking is not necessarily a good thing. In the realm, thinking goes to the spleen tube, and excessive thinking can easily lead to weakness of the spleen and stomach. In addition, emotions are easy to turn into fire, and deficiency of fire is easy to damage the yin, which will also lead to weakness of the spleen and stomach.

3. Sitting for a long time hurts the spleen

Long time sitting and inactivity can also lead to weakness of the spleen and stomach. The spleen controls the muscles. If you usually sit for a long time without exercising, how can the spleen be strong? This is why, when the spleen and stomach are weak, we have symptoms of weakness all over the body.

If the spleen and stomach are weak, do not underestimate it

1. Spleen deficiency can cause gastrointestinal diseases

Spleen deficiency will affect our digestive system, and in severe cases it will lead to chronic gastritis, gastric ulcer, and chronic colitis.

2. Deficiency of the spleen can lead to mental illness

Thoughts go to the spleen. Unpleasant emotions such as loss and anxiety are not relieved, and in severe cases, depression may occur.

3. Deficiency of the spleen can lead to deficiency of lung qi

The spleen governs the promotion of qing, while the lung governs the dispelling and depressing, and the two influence each other. If the spleen is deficient for a long time, then it will affect the subsidence of lung qi, and eventually a prolonged cough will occur.

Simple two herbs, specially for weak spleen and stomach, invigorating the spleen and digesting food, promoting qi and eliminating dampness!

We should not ignore the weak spleen. Although only some indigestion, stomach bloating and stomach pain after eating something, etc., will not seriously affect the quality of life, if the spleen and stomach weakness can further develop, it may develop into a chronic disease.

Two herbs are shared today, specially for the weak of the spleen and stomach

Apricot fruit is slightly cold, bitter and acrid in taste , acid, can enter the spleen and stomach meridians, has the effect of breaking qi and eliminating accumulation, resolving phlegm and dispersing spleen. It is often used to treat food accumulation, abdominal distention and pain.

Atractylodes atractylodes is warm in nature, sweet and bitter in taste, can enter the stomach and spleen meridian, and has the functions of drying dampness and diuretic water, strengthening the spleen Qi effect. It is often used for spleen deficiency, lack of appetite, abdominal distention and diarrhea, phlegm and dizziness, edema, spontaneous perspiration, etc.

It should be noted that due to the medicinal properties of citrus aurantium, it is not advisable to take too much. In addition, if you already have a deficiency of the spleen and stomach, you can fry the citrus aurantium before taking it, so as to make its medicinal properties calm.

Also if you are using Atractylodes, if you have symptoms of dry stool, you can use Atractylodes. If you have loose stools, you can use fried Atractylodes.

Of course, it is best to take it under the dialectics of offline doctors, which is safer.