Hainan: The “first shot” of the HPV vaccine is in place, and the school will organize the nearest vaccination

Source: People’s Daily Online-Hainan Channel

People’s Daily Online Haikou, March 16 (Song Tongtong, Li Haorong) On March 12, the launching ceremony of the HPV vaccination program for school-age girls in Hainan Province was held at Changliu Health in Haikou The hospital held, marking the province’s school-age girls HPV vaccination work in full swing. As the number one project of “Doing Practical Things for the People” in Hainan in 2022, “vaccinating school-age girls with HPV vaccine in the province” has always attracted much attention. When was the vaccination completed? How are the vaccination sites distributed in cities and counties? What are the precautions for vaccination? On March 16, the reporter interviewed Jia Guohua, director of the Maternity and Children’s Division of the Hainan Health and Health Commission, with issues of concern to everyone.

The “first shot” of the HPV vaccine is in place, and the school will organize students to vaccinate it.

Cervical cancer is a common female malignant tumor. Data show that the number of new cervical cancer cases in my country is nearly More than 100,000 people and more than 30,000 cervical cancer deaths, seriously threatening women’s health. In 2022, Hainan will include the HPV vaccination program for school-age girls as a key work for the private sector in the current year, and will provide 71,000 half-girls between the ages of 13 and 14 with two doses of HPV vaccine free of charge.

Cervical cancer is dangerous, but it is preventable and controllable. HPV vaccination is an effective means of prevention. How does Hainan organize eligible girls to be vaccinated as soon as possible, and when will all the people covered by the project complete the two injections?

In this regard, Jia Guohua introduced that since the start of the project’s vaccination work on March 12, it will be carried out in a planned and step-by-step manner across the province. “The HPV vaccination work for school-age girls is organized by the school, and the vaccination is carried out in units of student status. As long as school-age girls with school status in Hainan can be vaccinated.” Jia Guohua said that if there are school-age women who are not in school (must have Hainan household registration), Vaccination can also be organized after the street organization has conducted a thorough investigation and submitted a list.

Once the organization method is determined, is the most important “vaccine” in the vaccination process in place?

“At present, the first 71,000 shots of the HPV vaccine have all been in place, and several cities and counties have already purchased the vaccine. We expect to start the shot in late March, and then end the first shot in April. The first and second shots need to be separated by half a year, and all vaccinations are expected to be completed by the end of October.” Jia Guohua told reporters.

The vaccination site relies on the new crown vaccination site, and the vaccination follows the principle of proximity

At present, the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation is severe and complicated, and Hainan requires each school to implement relatively closed management. Is HPV vaccination available on campus at this stage? Where can school-age girls be vaccinated if they cannot enter the campus?

In response to this issue, Jia Guohua responded: Currently, the vaccination work “does not enter the campus”, which is related to the school’s regulations and is also based on the consideration of medical security. At present, in addition to Haikou City, which will set up fixed vaccination points, other cities and counties in the province can basically vaccinate against HPV vaccine at the original new crown vaccination points. “We have the foundation of the new crown vaccination, and there are still many vaccination points. The selection of the vaccination point mainly refers to the principle of proximity, and the vaccination site will be notified to the students.”

In addition, Jia Guohua added that the Provincial Health Commission There are no special regulations for the selection of vaccination sites in cities and counties. Each city and county can decide on its own according to the actual situation, but the plan needs to be submitted to the Provincial Health Commission and the Provincial Party Committee Inspection Office for approval.

The vaccinators need to show their ID card or household registration book, and the vaccination can be postponed if they are unwell

“Hainan provides free domestic bivalent HPV vaccine for school-age girls, why choose 13-year-old to 14-and-a-half years old This age group?” Many people are curious about how the vaccination age group is determined.

In this regard, Jia Guohua believes that considering the effectiveness of prevention and the priority of vaccination age, combined with the specific situation of Hainan, it is 13 to 14 and a half years old to set the free HPV vaccine for women of the right age. A plan that is more in line with the actual situation in Hainan.

“The best time for HPV vaccination is before the age of 15. Two doses of this vaccine are given, and there is an interval of half a year between the first and second doses. We must ensure that the inoculated person is 15 years old. After the injection is completed, the upper limit of the vaccination age must be well controlled to avoid being over 15 years old when the second injection is administered, otherwise it will be a waste.” In order to ensure that the age of the inoculated person meets the requirements, Jia Guohua reminded that women of the right age need to carry an ID card when vaccinating against the HPV vaccine Or hold the household registration book for vaccination, which is also to verify one’s identity and keep the “age off”.

In response to the situation that some people do not understand and dare not get vaccinated, Jia Guohua said, “You can be vaccinated with confidence.” She introduced that the HPV vaccine used for vaccination is an inactivated vaccine and is very safe. Vaccines can be vaccinated as long as they are not allergic to the ingredients contained in the vaccine.

“Of course, if you have a fever and diarrhea, feel unwell, or have a period, we do not recommend vaccination.” Jia Guohua added that if you miss the school’s unified vaccination due to physical reasons, you can wait. After the physical condition recovers, go to the vaccination point arranged by the school by yourself for vaccination. “As long as you are on the list in the school newspaper and bring the informed consent form stamped by the school, you can still be vaccinated when you go to the vaccination site, and it is also included in the scope of this project.”