Hainan Province will set up special clinics for 5 diseases including hypertension

Our newspaper, Haikou, February 28 (Reporter Ma Ke) On February 28, a video conference on the pilot launch of the “2+3” health service package in Hainan Province was held in Haikou. The reporter of Hainan Daily learned from the meeting that Hainan will make every effort to create a “2+3” health service package “Hainan Model”, and strive to make the province’s hypertension, diabetes and tuberculosis, hepatitis, severe mental disorders through 3 to 5 years of efforts. (hereinafter referred to as “2+3”) and other five diseases, the comprehensive prevention and control capabilities and effectiveness have been rapidly improved. Primary medical and health institutions will also set up “2+3” disease-specific outpatient clinics based on actual conditions.

It is reported that our province has formulated the “Hainan Province “2+3″ Health Service Package Implementation Plan” (hereinafter referred to as the “Plan”), which will be implemented step by step according to the idea of ​​”1-year pilot, 2-year full coverage” This year, provincial pilots will be launched in Qionghai City, Dongfang City and Baoting Li and Miao Autonomous County, covering about 1.1 million people, and will be fully implemented across the province in 2023. Strive to basically achieve “2+3″ diseases by the end of 2025. ” is the main feature of the “Hainan Model”.

The “Plan” proposes to increase screening efforts and improve the diagnosis rate. According to the principle of informed voluntariness, the organization mobilized key groups to do early screening, early detection, and early diagnosis, and strived to achieve “2+3” key groups that “should be checked thoroughly”. Explore the incorporation of “2+3” disease inspections into health checkups and premarital medical inspections. Screening for markers of hepatitis virus infection should be carried out for people over the age of 18, with a screening rate of over 90%.

Implement a medical facility’s “everything to check” strategy. Primary medical and health institutions make full use of primary 5G remote diagnosis and treatment equipment to conduct preliminary screening, diagnosis and referral for key “2+3” disease groups. Medical institutions shall, in accordance with the screening scope of the “2+3” key disease populations and relevant national standards and norms, carry out corresponding inspections, testing and diagnosis work for the people seeking medical treatment. Explore the opening of “cough clinics” to improve the screening ability of tuberculosis patients.

The “Plan” proposes to establish a fixed-point medical service model. Establish a “2+3” disease case referral working mechanism and centralized management process in which designated medical institutions, non-designated medical institutions (including primary medical and health institutions) and disease control institutions participate in collaboration. Urge patients to “treat as much as they should”. Townships (streets), villages (residential houses) and primary medical and health institutions mobilize patients to “do everything they need to be treated”. In accordance with the clinical path of “2+3” diseases and industry standards, designated medical institutions conduct necessary tests and auxiliary examinations for patients diagnosed with “2+3” diseases, and urge patients who meet the treatment conditions to receive standardized treatment.

Designated medical institutions carry out pre-treatment evaluations, determine treatment plans, use treatment drugs in a scientific and standardized manner, and provide medical follow-up services. Focusing on early diagnosis, early treatment, and scientific and standardized treatment, it provides health education and consulting services for patients with “2+3” diseases and their families, and improves patients’ treatment compliance and clinical cure rate. The successful treatment rate of pulmonary tuberculosis patients is ≥90%. Encourage exploration of Internet medical services.

Primary medical and health institutions should set up “2+3” disease-specific outpatient clinics, departments or “2+3” disease management service centers based on actual conditions, and strengthen facilities, equipment and drug allocation.

The “Program” pointed out that the use of medicines should be strengthened. The health and health department, together with the medical security department, guide designated medical institutions to allocate and rationally use “2+3” disease treatment drugs in accordance with clinical needs and diagnosis and treatment capabilities. Strengthen the allocation, use and prescription management of “2+3” disease drugs in primary medical and health institutions. Explore the direct delivery service mode of medicines through Internet medical care.

Strengthen the rational supply of medicines. Medical security, health departments, and drug supervision and administration jointly promote the inclusion of safe, effective, economical and appropriate “2+3” disease treatment drugs into the scope of centralized procurement in a timely manner according to regulations, and into the medical insurance reimbursement catalog. Encourage and support the use of traditional Chinese medicinal materials and Li medicine and other ethnic medicinal materials. Support the listing of new and special drugs for “2+3” diseases in our province.

The “Plan” requires that the medical security, health, civil affairs and other departments implement the comprehensive security policy of basic medical insurance, serious illness insurance, and medical assistance according to regulations. Promote the implementation of the basic medical insurance outpatient mutual aid guarantee mechanism for urban employees, and give full play to the basic public health service subsidy funds and the basic drug system subsidy funds for the prevention and treatment of “2+3” diseases. Support the introduction of a commercial health insurance mechanism to further reduce the economic burden of the masses.