Gynostemma, an anti-cancer drug known as “Southern Ginseng”, can be seen everywhere in the countryside, did you know?

Gynostemma pentaphyllum is also known as paradise grass, super ginseng, kung grove bottom, root everywhere, horse chestnut gall, and horse chestnut ginseng. Sweet, bitter, cold. It has the effects of replenishing Qi and strengthening spleen, resolving phlegm and relieving cough, clearing away heat and detoxifying.

Gynostemma pentaphyllum is mainly used to enhance the physical fitness of patients clinically. Tumor patients who experience weight loss, weight loss, and general malaise have good curative effects. It can help cancer patients recover as soon as possible after surgery, tolerate radiotherapy and chemotherapy as soon as possible, and help reduce adverse reactions such as loss of appetite and leukopenia caused by radiotherapy and chemotherapy. . Gynostemma is also commonly used to improve cachexia such as low food intake, extreme weight loss, weakness, and anemia in advanced cancer. In addition, Gynostemma can lower blood pressure, lower blood lipids, and anti-aging.

Some pancreatic cancer patients have extreme weight loss, lack of energy, feeling very tired, sweating easily, poor appetite, loose stools, pale tongue, etc. “Weak qi “, there are also fullness and pain in the upper abdomen, or hard lumps on the stomach, yellowing of the body, yellow eyes, nausea, vomiting, ascites causing the stomach to become very large, edema of the limbs, upset, Hot palms and feet, greasy tongue coating and other manifestations of “evil nostalgia“. These two conditions exist at the same time, which is called “Positive False Evil Love Syndrome” in traditional Chinese medicine. Gynostemma pentaphyllum has the dual functions of strengthening the righteousness and eliminating pathogenic factors. The main function of strengthening the righteousness is to enhance the patient’s physique, inhibit tumor growth, and effectively improve the above symptoms of such patients.

Gynostemma pentaphyllum is sweet and intoxicating to the spleen, and can invigorate Qi and strengthen the spleen. Some of its active ingredients are exactly the same as those of ginseng. It is known as “Southern Ginseng“. An immune enhancer similar to ginseng, with mild effect and no side effects of ginseng overdose. For the treatment of spleen-stomach qi deficiency, physical fatigue and poor appetite, it can be used together with spleen-invigorating herbs such as Zhaobaizhu and Poria. Because Gynostemma is bitter and cold in nature, it can also produce body fluid and quench thirst. It is suitable for patients with thirst and dry throat due to both qi and yin injuries. Use the same medicine. Gynostemma also has a slight heat-clearing and detoxifying effect, which can be used for fever and upset patients with heat-toxin syndrome.

At the end of the article, I would like to share with you the origin of the name of Gynostemma pentaphyllum.

According to legend, Qin Shihuang sent an alchemist named Lu Sheng into the sea to search for immortals in order to obtain the elixir of life. Lu Sheng searched for immortals and found nothing. Gynostemma pentaphyllum, known as the “grass of immortality”, is also called “Oriental God Grass” and “Southern Ginseng”. Later, Qin Shihuang sent Xu Fu to go out to sea to find Xianshan. Xu Fu returned empty-handed and lied that he had seen Poseidon, saying that Poseidon refused to give the elixir because the gift was too thin. The effect is better grown on the island, and the leaves are nourished with the blood of virgins and girls. Qin Shihuang also sent Xu Fu to lead 3,000 boys and girls to go out to sea again to find the immortal mountain. Xu Fu could not find the immortal mountain and did not dare to go back. Empress Qin Shi came to die in the sand dunes, and even the Qin Dynasty perished early.