Guy “drinks” 4 cups of milk tea a day to get rid of geriatric disease? Expert: Eating like this will help you “eat” back to happiness

#The guy was found to have a variety of geriatric diseases with 4 cups of milk tea every day#

rushed to Weibo hot search

Yes Netizens tearful:

“Mom has another reason

not to let me drink milk tea”

Is there a way to drink milk tea “without harming the body”?

Experts have something to say…

The guy has 4 cups of milk tea every day

A variety of diseases were found out

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A 24-year-old man from Liuzhou, Guangxi loves to drink milk tea. He drinks at least 4 cups a day, and sometimes 6 cups a day.

Recently, due to abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, he went to the hospital for examination, was diagnosed with diabetic ketoacidosis, acute kidney injury and other diseases, and was transferred to the ICU for treatment.

The doctor reminds that long-term intake of too much sugar can easily lead to cardiovascular disease and diabetes. It is recommended to drink milk tea as little as possible.

Netizens: Drinking for pleasure, drinking too much hurts the body

On Weibo, the news aroused heated discussions among netizens.

Some netizens said that drinks cannot replace water, and my mother has another reason not to let me drink milk tea.

There are also netizens who said that everything they like should be in moderation, and milk tea should also be taken in moderation.

These ingredients in milk tea may be “harmful”

China Agricultural University Zhu Yi, associate professor of food science and nutritional engineering, introduced that traditional milk tea is made by mixing fresh milk with tea leaves and adding salt. It contains high-quality protein, B vitamins and tea polyphenols.

But now popular milk tea is mostly made of milk powder, creamer, tea bags, white sugar, syrup, etc., which may have health risks.

1. Sugar exceeding the standard

The Shanghai Consumer Protection Committee has conducted a comparative experiment on milk teas on the market, and found that 27 pieces of milk tea with normal sweetness have an average sugar content of 34 grams per cup, up to 62 grams per cup.

2. Trans fatty acids

Nowadays, the more popular milk caps have higher content of non-dairy creamer. Non-dairy creamer is not only high in sugar and calories, but may also contain trans fats, which can easily induce cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, such as hyperlipidemia, thrombosis, atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease, etc.

3. Excessive caffeine

The daily intake of caffeine should be controlled within 400 mg. Excessive amounts may cause sleep disorders, tachycardia, etc.

The Shanghai and Ningbo Consumer Rights Protection Committees have tested dozens of local milk teas and found that the average caffeine content in milk tea reaches 270 mg and 334 mg respectively.


Please pay attention to the food ingredients list when buying milk tea. If “non-dairy creamer + sugar” ranks high in the ingredients list, and ranks in the ingredients such as milk and tea Up front, it’s best to drink less or not at all.

Is there a safe way to drink milk tea?

If you can’t resist the temptation of milk tea, Ruan Guangfeng, Director of Science and Technology Department of Kexin Food and Nutrition Information Exchange Center, will help you.

1. Smart collocation:

First, try not to add milk cover; second, choose high-quality tea base; third, choose three-point sugar or sugar-free; fourth, Choose milk or evaporated milk; fifth, add less or no accessories such as pearls and taro paste. If you eat accessories, eat less staple food on the day.

2. Boil it yourself:

Choose a better black tea, boil it for 3 minutes, filter out the tea leaves, and put the tea in a cup; after heating the pure milk, before adding it The proportion of tea can be determined by personal taste.

After the milk tea cools down a bit, you can add an appropriate amount of honey to taste; you can also add various diced fruits, lemon slices, or chopped nuts such as hazelnuts and walnuts.

Eat this way to help you “eat” back to happiness

Not only milk tea can bring happiness, but a correct diet can soothe nerves and The body, your body may need the following “decompression foods” even more.

Foods rich in B vitamins: eat away stress

B vitamins can promote energy metabolism in the body, and if they are lacking, they will lead to distraction and the body’s ability to manage emotions is reduced.

Purple rice, buckwheat, red beans and other grains, green leafy vegetables such as canola, dairy products, eggs, etc. are good sources of B vitamins.

Magnesium-rich foods: eat away anxiety

Insufficient intake of magnesium in the human body will make nerve cells susceptible to stimulation, emotional instability, and cause nausea, anxiety, insomnia and other discomforts.

Green leafy vegetables, whole grains, nuts, milk and other foods are rich in magnesium. Among them, the greener the green leafy vegetables, the more magnesium they contain.

Reminder: Green leafy vegetables contain oxalic acid and whole grains contain phytic acid, which will affect magnesium absorption. Blanch the vegetables in boiling water before frying, and soak them for a while before cooking coarse grains.

Iron-rich foods: eat away tiredness

Iron is an important part of hemoglobin. Increasing the intake of iron can help the body restore energy and vitality.

Animal foods such as pork liver, chicken, and fish are rich in heme iron, which is more easily absorbed by the body.

Eat more foods rich in vitamin C, such as cauliflower and bell pepper, to help promote the absorption and utilization of iron.

Zinc-rich foods: eat away depression

Research studies have shown that compared with the normal population, the concentration of zinc in the body of patients with depression is lower , Zinc supplementation can help relieve depression.

Peanuts, walnuts, pistachios and other nut foods are good helpers for “zinc supplementation”, and shellfish such as oysters, animal livers, and lean meat also contain high levels of zinc, which can be eaten in moderation.

Reminder: The fat content of nuts is high, and it is best not to consume more than a small handful per day; people with symptoms such as oral ulcers, diarrhea, and acute digestive tract infections should not eat nuts.

(Produced by Changjiang Daily Wuhan Client Integration: Fu Ying Source: Nanguo Jinbao, The Paper, Life Times, Sina Weibo, etc.)