Guiyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital launches 2022 World Thalassaemia Day publicity and free clinic activities

The scene of the free clinic activity.

May 8th is “World Thalassaemia Day”, and this year’s theme is “Caring for Thalassaemia Children, Together for the Future”. In order to promote the construction of a healthy Guizhou and the promotion of maternal and child health, strengthen the publicity and education on the prevention and treatment of thalassemia and birth defects, and improve the public health knowledge level and health literacy of prenatal and postnatal care, Guiyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital has organized children’s hematology department, reproductive center, and prenatal genetics department. More than 50 experts, medical staff and branch party member volunteers from the Department of Child Health Care, Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Rehabilitation, Health Education and other departments carried out the “Caring for Thalassaemia Children, Together to the Future – 2022″ in the third outpatient department of the hospital. World Thalassaemia Day Publicity Free Clinic Activities”.

World Thalassaemia Day free clinic activity.

At the site of the publicity and free clinic activities, there was an endless stream of people who came to consult, and the free clinic experts patiently answered questions about thalassemia diagnosis and treatment, hematopoietic stem cell transplantation, third-generation IVF technology and other birth defects prevention and treatment. More than 2,000 copies of health education and publicity materials such as “Thalassemia Popularization Knowledge”, “Thalassemia Prevention and Control Health Education Knowledge Questions and Answers”, “Birth Defect Prevention and Control Health Education Core Information Publicity Manual” and “Hemophilia Prevention and Health Education Core Information” were distributed. , accepted more than 150 people for public consultation.

Specialist free consultation.

In order to strengthen the publicity of health knowledge, the Health Education Division also produced a health knowledge publicity display board for the prevention and treatment of thalassemia and placed it on the site, attracting many people to stop and watch. At the same time, the hospital’s publicity department and health education department also widely publicized the health knowledge of thalassemia prevention and treatment through news media, the hospital’s WeChat public account, and bulletin boards. (Photo/Text Guiyang Maternal and Child Health Hospital)