Guilin Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine: Launching advanced scientific and accurate osteoporosis diagnosis and treatment methods

Many people think that osteoporosis is calcium deficiency. This is a misunderstanding. Osteoporosis is mainly a decrease in the content of bone matrix and bone minerals, making bones brittle and prone to fractures, and calcium is only a part of bone minerals. Therefore, osteoporosis is not just a simple lack of calcium. Systematic and regular treatment, otherwise it will seriously affect the health of the body.

Currently, Guilin Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine< span>Has launched the most accurate and scientific osteoporosis inspection method, and for all kinds of osteoporosis, Integratethe most powerful team of experts in various fields of the hospital to give precise treatment, so that osteoporosis “has no chance” and better for the Public health escort.

What is osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a systemic disease of the skeletal system characterized by decreased bone mass and microarchitectural deterioration of bone tissue, resulting in increased bone fragility and an increased risk of fracture. According to its pathogenesis, it can be divided into two categories: primary osteoporosis and secondary osteoporosis. 90% are primary osteoporosis. Its occurrence and development are often silent, and in most cases, only when a fracture occurs does it attract everyone’s attention. At present, there are about 200 million people with osteoporosis in the world, and its incidence has jumped to the seventh place among various common diseases. Osteoporosis has become one of the serious diseases that endanger people’s health after high blood pressure, coronary heart disease and diabetes.

Osteoporosis is most common in postmenopausal women and the elderly.< span>. In 2018, the National Health Commissionreleased The first epidemiological data on osteoporosis in China was obtained, and the prevalence rate of osteoporosis among people over 50 years old in my country was 19.2%, of which the prevalence rate for women was 32.1%, for men in the same year was 6%, and the prevalence rate for men over 60 years old was 19.2%. The prevalence of osteoporosis in women is 51.6%. Equivalent to, women have a 40% chance of developing osteoporosis in their lifetime. senile osteoporosis generally refers to the osteoporosis that occurs after the age of 70 in the elderly.

Hazards of Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is known as the silent killer, which seriously affects the health of the body. Its hazards are as follows:

Pain : The pain caused by osteoporosis is like a shadow, and it brings a lot of troubles to life. Generally, it spreads to the surrounding mainly from the waist area. Walking upright or sitting for a long time, lying on the back, will be accompanied by pain. The pain is more severe after a cold or when the days and nights of the winter are biting. Pain can also occur when bending over, coughing, defecation, etc.

Fractures: The loss of calcium in the body causes osteoporosis, which reduces the hardness and density of the bones, which can easily be caused by accidental falls. Fractures are most pronounced in the elderly. The fracture sites are mainly the hip, ulna and radius. Hip fractures are the most serious osteoporotic fractures in the elderly, and 20% of the deaths from complications associated with falls within 1 year are.

Humpback, stooping and shortening of body length: Osteoporosis can easily affect the height, and there will be shortening, hunched back, and low back pain. These are all caused by the compression of the osteoporotic spine, resulting in bone damage. The pressure on the bones of the body is too heavy, the spine is easy to move forward, and the pressure on the back increases, resulting in a hunchback. Symptoms are more pronounced. The average compression of osteoporosis in the elderly is about 2 mm, and the height will be shortened by about 3 to 6 cm.

Respiratory function decline: Osteoporosis causes the body’s chest and lumbar spine to be oppressed, and the kyphosis and sternum deformity lead to the gradual reduction of vital capacity and ventilation in the thoracic cavity , The patient will experience breathing difficulties, shortness of breath, chest tightness, dizziness and other phenomena when going up the stairs.

Other hazards: Osteoporosis affects each organ of the body differently because the body itself is a whole system. If there is a problem with one of them, the other parts will definitely have a certain impact. For example, patients may experience symptoms such as bloating, loose teeth, and body constipation.

How to Treat Osteoporosis

< span>Dual energyX-rayBone density testcurrently< span>isthe gold standard for the diagnosis of osteoporosis worldwide. Guilin Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital currently has the latest dual-energy X-ray bone mineral density testing equipment in Guilin. Porosiosis examination has a good strength. In order to reduce the financial burden of the general public, hospitals also< span>Selected internationally recognized detection indicators, refines four aspects of osteoporosis Inspection packages, professional classification management, to achieve the most accurate and scientific diagnosis, and organized by /span>Orthopedics, endocrinology, gynecology, rheumatology academic leaders led by the leadersfour span>Expert team for multidisciplinary collaboration,play span>Integration of Traditional Chinese and Western MedicineAdvantages, synergy, standardization, science, precision and efficiency Preventive disease treatment center provides one-stop health services to improve patients’ medical experience, for patients’ health escort.