Guangzhou team’s dismissal of Guan Haojin is to set an example for various clubs

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The latest news is that the AFC has identified Guangzhou team player Guan Haojin for violent behavior. The Guangzhou team is providing written documents as requested.

Guan Haojin’s behavior is very bad. We firmly support the Guangzhou team’s dismissal of Guan Haojin. Guan Haojin himself had no objection and accepted the punishment.

Some domestic media and fans think that the punishment is too severe, and even demean Mr. Xu Jiayin, the boss of Evergrande. I think such a small thing can rise to Mr. Xu Jiayin It is incredible, the dismissal of Guan Haojin was obviously made by Guangzhou Football Club and the coaching staff.

The dismissal of Guan Haojin, I think all professional clubs in Chinese football should follow suit. The stadium is a place of competition, not violence. Violence is against professionalism, especially Guan Haojin is 27 years old, why? He is still playing in the echelon because too many non-football things occupy most of his career, and he does not want to make progress. It played a very bad role in front of the small players who led the Evergrande Football School, and it was the negative energy and cancer of the team. If all professional clubs, including the Guangzhou team, allow this kind of behavior and players with such negative emotions to exist, the harm to the team will be very great, and the harm to China’s professional football career is even more incalculable. The military must be governed strictly , which is the premise of professional football.

Is the decision to fire Guan Haojin too harsh or unfair? Competitive sports are inherently unfair, don’t take professionalization as a kindergarten or a big pot of rice, professional players must generate value, let alone because the club protects you, and more than 20 young players who go to Malaysia are damaged, At the same time, it also reminds young players: focus on football and games, focus on finding gaps and deficiencies, instead of being 27 and still in the echelon Use violence to vent dissatisfaction.