Guangxi celebrates “5.12” International Nurses Day in Wuzhou

On the morning of May 11th, the 2022 Autonomous Region Health and Health System, jointly held by the Autonomous Region Health Commission, the Autonomous Region Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Wuzhou Municipal Health and Health Commission, celebrated the 111th “May 12” International Nurses Day in Wuzhou City. Hold a launching ceremony.

The theme of 2022 is “Caring for the Nursing Team and Protecting People’s Health”. Mai Jiazhi, the first-level inspector of the Autonomous Region Health and Health Commission, introduced at the ceremony that the Autonomous Region Health and Health Commission has always attached great importance to the implementation of laws and regulations such as the Basic Medical and Health Promotion Law of the People’s Republic of China and the Regulations on Nurses. Safeguard and protect the legitimate rights and interests of nurses, resolutely implement various policies and measures to ensure benefits and the nurse team in accordance with the law , carry forward the positive energy of nursing, and create a good atmosphere that attaches importance to supporting nursing, understanding and caring nurses.

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia, especially this year, the autonomous region has continuously won the “12.20 Dongxing City Epidemic”, “2.4 Baise City Epidemic”, “2.23 Fangchenggang City Epidemic”, “3. Nursing staff contributed to the large-scale battles such as the “14 Qinzhou Epidemic”. Among them, the “2.4 Baise City Epidemic” fighting work mobilized more than 10,000 people to go to the epidemic area to participate in the sampling and anti-epidemic work in one day, of which 70% were nurses, which was the first of its kind in Guangxi! At the same time, 22 tertiary medical institutions were deployed in the district to form 23 management and treatment teams with a total of 1,250 people, of which 80% were nurses. The treatment team was quickly reorganized and organized, and stationed in the isolation wards of designated hospitals for the treatment of COVID-19 in an orderly manner to carry out medical treatment. From April 15th to 26th, the autonomous region sent 1,584 medical workers to help Shanghai to fight the new crown epidemic, of which 1,291 were nursing workers.

Nursing plays an irreplaceable role in maintaining and guaranteeing the health and safety of all people. Nursing workers are strong guards who protect the health of the people. The nurse team is an important force in the medical and health front. By the end of 2021, the number of registered nurses in Guangxi was 182,407, an increase of 8.9% over the end of 2020; the number of registered nurses per thousand permanent residents in the district was 3.62.

Since 2021, the nursing work in the district has shown four highlights. First, actively carry out the pilot work of “Internet + nursing service”. The autonomous region has formulated the “Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region “Internet + Nursing Service” Pilot Work Implementation Plan” and “Guangxi “Internet + Nursing Service” Project (2020 Version)” to promote the “Internet + Nursing Service” work on a trial basis. So far, 16 units have applied to join the pilot program, and 16 medical institutions have provided “Internet + Nursing Services”. 1,612 nurses have participated in it, and 4,551 person-times of “Internet + Nursing Services have been provided. The second is to strengthen the quality of nursing services and improve the quality of nursing in medical institutions.” Management system: Nursing centers at all levels in the region strictly control the quality, strengthen the analysis and evaluation of nursing quality with the help of sensitive indicators, promote the establishment of a new nursing expert database, and further improve the ability, quality, epidemic prevention, management and other aspects of nursing workers in the region The third is to promote the integration of sports and medicine, and build a sports rehabilitation specialty. The autonomous region and municipal tertiary hospitals have established sports rehabilitation and scientific fitness outpatient clinics to carry out physical health promotion, physical function training and sports rehabilitation medical work. July 2021 From January 5th to 9th, the Autonomous Region Health and Health Commission cooperated with the Autonomous Region Sports Bureau to hold the 2021 Guangxi Sports and Medicine Integration Compound Talent Training Course (Phase 2) to train 150 professionals in the region’s sports and health systems. Improve the service capabilities of elderly nursing practitioners. Centering on the national health and health work policy and the work deployment of the “13th Five-Year Plan” to promote the quality and efficiency of the elderly care service industry, the autonomous region has carried out elderly related nursing research and academic exchanges. In recent years, Nanning City has A total of 8 national and district-level geriatric nursing continuing education programs have been held, and 3,000 people have been trained for geriatric nursing-related work. At present, there are 128 medical and health service institutions in Liuzhou that can provide door-to-door health management services for the elderly over 65 years old. The number of doctors who signed up for services reached 283,000, and the signing rate was 72.73%. The ultimate goal is to form a service network integrating medical care and nursing.

In the next step, the whole district will continue to focus on the following three aspects: strengthening the professional ability training of specialist nurses, improving the hospital-community-family trinity’s home medical care ability; combining the “Internet + nursing service” new business format Characteristics and service forms, establish and improve relevant medical service price policies and medical insurance payment policies that are conducive to the development of the “Internet + Nursing Service” pilot work; comprehensively strengthen nursing quality management. (China Daily Guangxi Reporter Station)