Guangdong residents can buy Type B over-the-counter drugs at convenience stores

The official account of the Guangdong Provincial Food and Drug Administration revealed that: On March 15, Guangzhou and Dongguan took the lead in issuing the first batch of pilot units in the province to operate only Class B non-prescription drugs in large chain convenience stores. It marks the comprehensive launch and implementation of the pilot work of the comprehensive reform of cross-border integration of Class B non-prescription drugs in Guangdong Province. According to reports, there are two first batch of pilot enterprises, namely China Resources Vanguard Co., Ltd. + Guangdong Dexinhang Pharmacy Chain Co., Ltd., Guangdong Meiyijia Convenience Store Co., Ltd. + Chunyuelin (Guangdong) Pharmacy Co., Ltd. According to the preparation of the pilot enterprise, citizens will be able to buy heat-clearing and detoxifying medicines, such as Qingrequshi granules, etc.; external medicines, such as safflower oil, activating oil, etc.; gastrointestinal digestive medicines, such as Jianwei Xiaoshi tablets, lactobacillus tablets There are also daily emergency medicines, traumatic pain relief medicines, nutrition and nourishing medicines and other medicines. There are various types of medicines to meet the daily medication needs. (Guangzhou Daily Xinhuacheng reporter Tu Duanyu)

Source: Guangzhou Daily