Grinding your teeth at night and worms crawling in your stomach? If adults grind their teeth, it may be caused by these 3 reasons

In the dead of night, if someone snores next to you, it is bound to prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep.

But if there’s one sound more annoying than snoring, teeth grinding is on the list.

Some people grind their teeth while sleeping, especially children.

When the child fell asleep, the parents heard the sound of—-“creeping”, and then thought “grinding teeth at night, worms crawling in my stomach” strong>, so many parents will be worried—–is there roundworms in the child’s stomach?

It is actually normal for children to grind their teeth

Data shows that bruxism affects about 5% to 30% of children and is common in preschoolers.

Usually, bruxism goes away by the age of 6, and a small number of children experience bruxism in adolescence or adulthood.

For children aged 6-13, they are in the period of changing teeth, so in order to establish a new occlusal contact relationship between the upper and lower teeth, they will use the molars for grinding.

Most teeth grinding is often undetectable because it does not produce obvious symptoms, but it can still cause some harm.

Long-term grinding of teeth, for example, can damage the enamel and cause severe wear to the tooth tissue;

For example, long-term teeth grinding will affect the masticatory muscles and temporomandibular joints, and over time will evolve into “temporomandibular joint syndrome”, which mainly includes abnormal opening and closing movements, snapping, head and neck pain Wait for discomfort.

Also, some teeth grinding may cause headaches, but this is less common.

Adolescent or adult teeth grinding requires attention

For teenagers and adults who are teething, if they still have teeth grinding, then they need to be vigilant. Maybe it is caused by these reasons:

First, calcium deficiency

When a person’s body is deficient in calcium, it will cause teeth grinding, nutrition cannot keep up, and the body will be deficient in calcium, which will cause muscle tension and contraction.

Some people experience cramps, while others experience teeth grinding.

So if you have teeth grinding, you can consider whether it is caused by calcium deficiency. It is recommended to supplement calcium in time and eat more calcium-rich foods, such as milk, eggs, etc., to reduce the impact on the body. damage caused.

Second, reasons for occlusion

Many people have irregular molars, which is because the bite is not good enough, and the teeth have different heights, so the phenomenon of molars occurs at night.

In addition, many people have bad eating habits. If the masticatory muscles are too hard, or chew food with the same side of the teeth for a long time, it will also affect the lower forehead. Joints and muscles.

It is recommended that when you eat food, try to use the teeth on both sides.Don’t chew too hard, especially hard food, which is not only bad for the chewing muscles, but also causes teeth damage. wear.

Third, spiritual reasons

If you are usually under a lot of stress, your mind will always be in a tense state.

Even when sleeping at night, it is difficult to relax, which will cause the facial muscles to be very tense, the chewing muscles will be affected, and the teeth will grind.

This kind of situation usually occurs in young people, because nowadays young people have a lot of work and study pressure, and they cannot relax their minds better during the day and at night, which leads to sleeping at night. molar.

It is recommended that young people learn to relieve their mental pressure, combine work with rest, and properly adjust their emotions, which can also improve the phenomenon of teeth grinding.

Fourth, reasons for sleeping position

Incorrect sleeping position can also cause teeth grinding at night.

Especially for people who like to sleep on their side, because the body is squeezed during sleep, the muscles on the squeezed side will contract abnormally, resulting in the phenomenon of grinding teeth when sleeping at night.

It is recommended to adjust the sleeping position, lie down and fall asleep without any pressure on the body, showing a relaxed state, and improving teeth grinding.

For preschool children, teeth grinding will disappear with age without much intervention.

But for older school-aged goose down, you need to go to the dentist in time to see if there is a bad bite or other dental diseases.

Generally speaking, for the improvement of molars, occlusal pads are often worn in medicine, and they are worn on the lower teeth when falling asleep, which can protect the occlusal surface of the teeth.