Great Chinese Medicine | Neck pain, dizziness, easy relief with a click

“Does it still hurt?”

“No more pain!”

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“You are dislocation of the atlantoaxial joint.” p>

“Next Are there other treatments?”

“No, just do some exercise.”

“I’ve been tortured by all for more than a year, is that simple?”

“Seeking a doctor is important.”

After the treatment, the female patient twisted her neck. There is no more pain that has tormented him for a long time, and his emotions are a little excited.

Recalling her medical experience, she It is even more regrettable, regretting that I did not find the right doctor, and let myself suffer for more than a year.

April 19 at 5 pm , Henan Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital (Henan Orthopaedic Hospital) Zhengzhou District, Zhengzhou District, Director Li Zhiqiang’s outpatient clinic came to a young female patient, a new mother, the baby is only one year old.

“Doctor, my neck hurts so much , I’m still dizzy, what’s the problem?” The patient seemed to be in poor spirits, his neck was a little stiff, and he didn’t dare to turn freely. According to her, the neck used to be a little uncomfortable, but since taking the child on maternity leave at home, the neck started to hurt, not only getting more and more painful, but also dizzy.

Director Li Zhiqiang checked the patient’s physical signs and rotated the neck. The test is positive (the neck cannot turn left and right normally). Based on the patient’s presentation, an atlantoaxial dislocation was suspected.

“The cervical spine is the most flexible, flexible, and One of the most used parts, the more you use, the more involved.” Director Li Zhiqiang said that there is an atlantoaxial joint where the head and the cervical spine are connected, and it will cause headaches, dizziness, dizziness, and insomnia when one side is high and the other side is low. , forgetfulness, cervical heart disease and other diseases.

Sure enough, the patient took an X-ray , it is obvious to see: the physiological curvature of the cervical spine becomes straight, and the atlantoaxial joint sequence is unstable.

After clarifying the cause, Director Li Zhiqiang first gave the patient a manual therapy: loosening the tendons, that is, relaxing the local muscle tissue, and then using the bone-setting technique from Luoyang Pingle to fix the unstable joints. Correction so that the patient can relieve symptoms as soon as possible.

After the treatment, the patient can finally be transferred Head, indicating that the neck does not hurt, nor dizzy.

Director Li Zhiqiang told the patient that the next Drink decoction, stick plaster to consolidate treatment, and usually strengthen neck exercise and pay attention to neck protection.

How to achieve such a hand to disease The effect of removal?

Director Li Zhiqiang said, first of all, the human body has There are 206 bones, and an osteopath should be familiar with every bone in the human body. Before performing bone-setting manipulation, the cause must be identified first. If there is spinal cord compression, caution should be exercised.

“Second, and most important, It’s a good technique.” Director Li Zhiqiang said that one of the characteristics of the neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain department of Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital of Henan Province (Henan Orthopaedic Hospital) where he is located is the inheritance and development of Luoyang Pingle Guo’s bone-setting technique.

Luoyang Pingle Guo’s bone-setting, the folks call it “Luoyang After more than 200 years of development, bone-setting, Pingle bone-setting, and Baima Temple bone-setting have formed an academic idea of ​​overall syndrome differentiation, equal emphasis on muscles and bones, both internal and external treatment, and complementarity of movement and static. The treatment method featuring functional therapy has become an important academic school of traditional Chinese medicine in orthopedics.

Henan Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital originated from Pingle Guo’s Orthopaedic, a collection of It is a provincial-level public third-class TCM orthopaedic specialist hospital integrating medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, industry and culture. In 2013, it was approved to add “Henan Provincial Orthopaedic Hospital”. Added “Henan Provincial Rehabilitation Hospital”.

In June 2008, Luoyang Pingle Guo’s bone-setting was selected into the first batch of expanded list of national intangible cultural heritage.

Luoyang Pingle Guo’s bone-setting has two unique techniques—manipulation and secret recipe. The technique pays attention to “turn the hand with the heart, and the heart arrives at the hand”. Among them, the eight methods of managing tendons, which are based on tendons, are one of the basic techniques for the treatment of orthopaedic and traumatic diseases. For natural green therapy.

“However, disease has a formula, There are no fixed rules.” Director Li Zhiqiang said that as far as orthopedics is concerned, there is not one way to treat the same type of injury, and flexible use is the key to successful treatment. Various bone-setting manipulations have their own emphasis in clinical application, but they often cooperate with each other. “For example, we use Pingle Guo’s scoliosis to treat facet joint disorders, and it has an immediate effect; Fumigation, traction and other methods are effective in treating cervical spondylosis, lumbar disc herniation, acute lumbar sprain and many other diseases.

Director Zhiqiang Li

< p data-track="35">In the Department of Neck, Shoulder, Waist and Leg Pain at Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital of Henan Province (Henan Orthopaedic Hospital), doctors generally take three steps for the treatment of patients with neck, shoulder, waist and leg pain:

The first step, tendon relaxation therapy, through traction , Chinese medicine fumigation, acupuncture, electrotherapy and other treatments to achieve the effect of loosening tendons, traction can increase the intervertebral space, adjust the unequal width of the intervertebral space, straighten the spine, release the muscle ligaments around the spine, and assist Chinese medicine fumigation to promote the muscles around the bones. Blood circulation, increase muscle and ligament elasticity through acupuncture and physiotherapy;

Cervical traction

The second step is bone setting treatment. During the treatment, the position of the bones is initially adjusted through traction, and the muscles of the spine are contracted and relaxed in a targeted manner through professional tendon loosening techniques to balance the overall stress of the spine. After the bones meet the conditions, bone setting treatment is given to achieve the purpose of strengthening the bones and tendons;

The third step is bone bundle treatment. After bone setting, the position of the bones is fixed by wearing fixing devices such as neck circumference and waist circumference, and then targeted muscle function exercises are carried out according to the patient’s diseased part, which can effectively maintain the post-treatment effect. spinal position and efficacy.

“This is a complete set of treatment ideas, and none of them are indispensable.” Director Li Zhiqiang said, This method is based on Luoyang Pingle Orthopedics Department of Henan Province Luoyang Orthopaedic Hospital (Henan Orthopaedic Hospital), which has formed a complete set of treatment models through 30 or 40 years of research, which can be used to a greater extent. Avoid surgery and restore normal spine health.

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