good news! Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Metformin Hydrochloride Sustained-Release Tablets Approved for Marketing

Recently, Lunan Pharmaceutical Group Shandong New Era Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Metformin Hydrochloride Sustained-Release Tablets (specification: 0.5g) have been approved by the State Drug Administration for marketing, with the approval number: Guoyaozhunzi H20223229.

According to reports, metformin can reduce the production of hepatic glucose, inhibit the intestinal absorption of glucose, and increase the uptake and utilization of glucose by peripheral tissues, which can improve the sensitivity of insulin by increasing the uptake and utilization of peripheral glucose. . When this product is used as a single treatment, combined with diet and exercise therapy, it can achieve the effect of controlling blood sugar in type 2 diabetes. When used in combination with sulfonylureas or insulin, it can achieve the effect of controlling blood sugar in adults.

Metformin hydrochloride sustained-release tablets have been used clinically in China for many years, and there are sufficient efficacy and safety data for single drug/combination therapy. Compared with ordinary metformin hydrochloride tablets, metformin hydrochloride sustained-release tablets are hydrophilic gel matrix sustained-release tablets, which swell when exposed to water in the stomach, prolonging the retention time in the stomach, and the drug release is slow, reducing the impact on the gastrointestinal tract. It is stimulating and can maintain the blood drug concentration for a long time. It only needs to be taken once a day, which can improve the patient’s treatment compliance, and is conducive to the patient’s long-term adherence to taking it, which has great clinical advantages.

Miao Miao, correspondent of Qilu One Point