Good news for short people: low risk of colorectal cancer


Height is a pain in the hearts of many people, and some people even try various methods, hoping to grow a few centimeters taller.

Recently, a Johns Hopkins University research team found that being short is actually a health advantage – a lower risk of developing colorectal cancer or colon polyps.

Life Times (Search “LT0385” in WeChat to follow) Combined with the research, interview experts, tell you how height affects health, and teach you Minimize colorectal cancer risk.

Experts Interviewed

Continental Kong, Director of Colorectal Oncology, Tianjin Medical University Cancer Hospital

Every 10 cm high,

14% increased risk of colorectal cancer

In this study, researchers analyzed data from 296,000 people, including 280,660 colorectal cancers, 14,139 colorectal adenomas, and 1,459 colorectal cancers in 47 observational studies. adults undergoing outpatient colonoscopy.

Of 47 observational studies, 33 studies reported an association between every 10 cm increase in height and the incidence of colorectal cancer, and 4 studies reported a 10 cm increase in height cm and colorectal adenoma incidence data, and 26 studies compared the incidence of colorectal cancer in individuals of the highest and lowest heights.

Combining the above data, the researchers found-

The tallest person had a 24% higher risk of colorectal cancer than the lowest;

For every 10 cm increase in height, the risk of colorectal cancer increased by 14% and the risk of adenoma increased by 6%.

The largest study of its kind to date reminds us that height should be considered a risk for colorectal cancer screening during physical exams or disease screening, researchers say factor.

Back in 2020, a study published in the British Journal of Cancer came to similar conclusions – in adults, height was associated with risk of several types of cancer, and these associations Also related to gender:

In men, height is positively associated with all-cause cancer, lung cancer, lymphoma, blood cancer, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and melanoma;

In women, height is associated with breast, melanoma, lymphoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and all-cause cancer rates;

The correlation between height in women is higher than in men with regard to the incidence of all-cause cancer.

How does height affect health?

In addition to height and cancer risk, the impact of height on health has been increasingly discovered in recent years.

Shortness has a longevity advantage

The University of Hawaii has tracked more than 8,000 people for 50 years and found that people 156 cm and below live the longest.

Another Italian study found that people who were about 162 cm tall lived an average of 2 years longer than those who were taller.

Low risk of stroke for short stature

A study from the University of Tromsø in Norway found that taller women pumped longer distances, had less blood flow, and had a higher risk of stroke.

If a woman is less than 157 cm tall and of normal weight, her risk of developing a blood clot is 3 times lower.

Tall people are less at risk of diabetes

University of Eastern Finland researchers looked at the health data of nearly 9,000 Finnish men and found that height was inversely related to the risk of type 2 diabetes and cerebrovascular disease: As height increased, insulin The secretion and action efficiency will be significantly increased.

But there was no clear link between height and fasting blood sugar. Research suggests that short people may need to pay more attention to postprandial blood sugar.

Tall people have strong cognitive abilities

Researchers from the University of Helsinki in Finland and Boston University in the United States used magnetic resonance imaging to measure the gray matter of the cerebral cortex of 515 men, and tested their language ability, mathematical ability, spatial ability and reasoning ability.

Results showed that taller participants achieved higher composite scores. The researchers say that taller people have a larger surface area of ​​the cerebral cortex, which increases cognitive performance.

Colorectal cancer prevention goes beyond height

On the whole, height is only one of many factors that affect health, and there are other ways you can reduce your risk of cancer.

Compared to the “cunning” of many cancers, bowel cancer is “clumsy”. Most of its occurrence and development will go through the process of “small polyps – adenomatous polyps – precancerous lesions – cancer”, which can last up to 10 years.

If you have a family history of bowel cancer, or have multiple bowel polyps for a long time, or have ulcerative colitis, you are a high-risk group for bowel cancer, and you need to pay special attention to some symptoms, such as Changes in bowel habits, changes in stool characteristics, frequent abdominal pain, mass in the right middle and lower abdomen, anemia, etc..

To prevent and treat colorectal cancer, we should start with lifestyle habits and emphasis on physical examination:

Screening colonoscopy recommended after age 45

It is recommended that people over the age of 45 have colonoscopy examinations. If everything is normal, they can be reexamined after 3 to 5 years; if they are judged to be high-risk groups, they should be examined again in 1 to 2 years.

Avoid a “three highs and one low” diet

“Three highs and one low” diet structure, namely high fat, high protein, high calorie and low fiber.

It is recommended to substitute fish, poultry, lean meat, and low-fat dairy products for red meat with too much animal oil;

Boil or steam food instead of fried food;

Increase intake of green leafy and root vegetables and fruits;

Pay attention to increasing the intake of cellulose, such as fungi, fresh beans, bamboo shoots;

Eat more fresh food, less pickled and smoked food, and no moldy food.

Keeping bowel movements smooth

Long-term constipation patients have a large amount of dry feces in the intestines, which can continuously stimulate the rectal mucosa and cause chronic inflammation, which may lead to intestinal polyps over time.

Constipation patients can cultivate the habit of defecation by squatting regularly every day. After a long time, a conditioned reflex will be formed. When the time comes, the urge to defecate will occur, and the gastrointestinal tract will also have propulsive peristalsis.

In addition, it is best not to bring a mobile phone to the toilet. No matter squatting or sitting on the toilet, the time of going to the toilet should not exceed 5 minutes, and those with constipation should not exceed 10 minutes.

Try to avoid prolonged sitting

Multiple studies have found that following a healthy lifestyle can reduce the risk of dying from colon cancer by more than half, and exercise is the highest-evidence healthy lifestyle.

Change from a sedentary state, get up every 40 minutes and move for 2-3 minutes. Exercise 3-5 times a week for at least 30 minutes each time. Jogging, swimming, and walking are all good ways.

Get enough fluid

It is recommended to develop the habit of drinking a cup of warm water (300-500 ml) in the morning. Adults should drink no less than 1500 ml of water per day to help promote intestinal peristalsis. ▲

Editor of this issue: Zheng Ronghua

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