Good news | Add another powerful celebrity! Three county-level expert workstations settled in Longyou County People’s Hospital

Recently, the county talent office released the eighth batch of expert workstations in Longyou County. After unit declaration, review, expert review, comprehensive evaluation, and publicity, Fan Shunwu workstation, director of the Department of Orthopedics, Run Run Shaw Hospital affiliated to Zhejiang University School of Medicine, director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Doctoral supervisor Cao Qian workstation, general surgery director Wang Xianfa workstation settled in Longyou County People’s Hospital.

The establishment of the expert workstation will play a huge role in promoting the hospital’s discipline construction, technical ability improvement, talent training, and the development of new technologies and new businesses. Construction is very important. Longyou County People’s Hospital will make full use of this exchange platform, earnestly study the superb medical skills and noble medical ethics of experts, and continuously improve the hospital’s discipline construction level and medical service capabilities. A new model of three-level linkage and cooperation, striving to achieve urban-rural development and resource sharing, promote the sinking of high-quality medical resources, and do a good job in building a medical community. (Correspondent: Xu Jie)