Good book sharing – “The Appearance of Home”

[Today’s Good Book Sharing]——Aesthetics of Life

“The Appearance of Home” by Ye Yilan

A life aesthetician from Taiwan, publicized the house he lived in, and shared his “Dream Realization” for more than a year renovation plan”.

She said that this renovation plan, from design to construction, was formed through repeated reflection, consideration, communication, discussion, constant self-reflection, questioning, introspection, tempering, inventory, and reorganization.

Looking at other people’s houses and lives is not for copying, and there is no need to copy. Everyone’s preferences about life are different, but you can learn from her thinking about life.

When creating a living space, you can ask yourself more, read more books on life aesthetics, think about it carefully, and build it slowly~

Some thoughts:

①Space is the container of life. When this container can truly respond to our needs and desires, life can be truly enjoyable and contented.

②The kitchen is a place where you don’t mind messes, but also a mixture of smiles and hearty, very pleasant cooking.

A messy kitchen that looks good, or a generous kitchen that’s a little messy but not exhausting.

③The style should not be forced from the outside, but should be naturally understood and blossomed from life, life.

For example, if she likes black tea, she has a large cabinet full of tea leaves and tea utensils. She has “chromophobia”, so she changed her whole family to plain earth tones, and more often chose the original colors of the materials.

④Enjoy the process of dreaming.

The end of the book records the progress of each month’s renovation, and sees the beauty of patience.

Maybe what we can learn from is that through a lot of appreciation and experience, we can truly understand our own preferences, and confidently build according to our own aesthetics. This process may require slowness, thought, and quiet waiting.

Golden Sentence:

Style is shaped by countless details, such as home and life.

As long as people are at home, I always feel happy like a spring.

The warmth of home does not come from the colorfulness, but the richness, depth and thickness of people and life in it.