Goji berry with a treasure, a hundred years old will not show old age

First, I will use wolfberry

The wolfberry is Valuable medicinal materials and tonics, traditional Chinese medicine has long ago said that “medlar health care”. “Compendium of Materia Medica

Me” records: “Lycium barbarum, invigorating the kidney and producing essence, nourishing the liver…improves the eyesight and soothes the mind, making people live longer.” Well, you must be able to use it, and the effect of clever matching is doubled.

Second, wolfberry diet formula 1 grass dragon ball honey juice wolfberry

20 grams each of wolfberry fruit and longan meat, 50 grams of raisins, 20 grams of honey, and 200 grams of pineapple. Rinse all of the above with clean water, add honey and appropriate amount of water into a small bowl and steam in a steamer for 20 minutes. Regular clothing prolongs life, enriches righteousness, nourishes qi and nourishes blood.

2 Lycium barbarum and loquat paste

Lycium barbarum, loquat 50 grams of fruit, black sesame seeds and peach kernels each, appropriate amount of honey, chop loquat fruit and peach kernels, wash wolfberry and black sesame seeds, add water and soak them in a pot, boil over high heat, boil over low heat for 20 minutes, take 1 decoction Second, add water and cook for a total of 3 times, combine the decoction, concentrate it to paste with low heat, add 1 times the amount of honey and serve, cool and bottle for later use, benefit the lungs and kidneys, relieve asthma, cough and moisten dryness, use For weak, weak patients.

Third, there are also several remedies 1 wolfberry wine

Take 200 grams of wolfberry and 300 grams of white wine. Wash the wolfberry, drain the water, cut it into pieces and put it in a fine-mouth bottle, add white wine, and seal the bottle. Shake the bottle once a day and soak for 15 days before drinking. After drinking, add 300 grams of white wine and soak it again as above. Drink before going to bed every day, 20 grams each time.

2 wolfberry porridge

50 grams of high-quality wolfberry, 100 grams of japonica rice, washed and boiled into porridge, can be eaten as a daily breakfast.

3 wolfberry eggs

two eggs, wolfberry 30 grams, washed and boiled with water. After the eggs are cooked, peel the shells, put them in the soup and cook them. After cooking, eat the eggs and drink the soup. Continue to eat for 3-5 days as a course of treatment, stop for one day and continue to eat. Usually 3 courses of treatment can be effective!

Eating wolfberry in four seasons 1 spring

All things recover, and the yang energy of the human body gradually rises. Lycium barbarum is sweet and tonifying. It can be taken alone in spring, or it can be taken at the same time with sweet and slightly warm products, such as astragalus and so on.

2 Summers

People always crave a pot The sweet and cool tea can eliminate the heat, and the wolfberry fruit is sweet. If you mix it with chrysanthemum, honeysuckle, green tea, etc., you will feel refreshed and happy after drinking. Especially in combination with chrysanthemum, it can nourish yin and improve eyesight and clear away anger.

3 Autumn

The air is dry, people always feel To dry mouth, chapped lips and flaky skin, it is difficult to resist the bleak autumn wind with many moisturizers. In this season, it is necessary to eat wolfberry fruit with moisturizing food, such as Sydney, Chuanbei, lily, Yuzhu, etc., the effect is better. Of course, some acidic foods, such as hawthorn, can also be used to achieve the effect of “sour sweet and yin”.

Winter 4

People wrap themselves in thick In a thick cotton coat to help your yang resist the cold. Lycium barbarum can calm the yang qi, take it every day, especially when used together with mutton, Cistanche, Morinda officinalis, Jinkui Shenqi pills, etc.

Other dietary effects of wolfberry 1 for the treatment of male infertility


Take 15 grams of wolfberry fruit every night, wash and chew it, and take it for one month as a course of treatment.

2 for the treatment of obesity

take daily Wash 30 grams of wolfberry fruit, brew it with boiled water and take it as a tea drink, once in the morning and once in the evening, and take it for four months to achieve better lipid-lowering and weight-loss effects without side effects.

3 for adjuvant treatment of diabetes mellitus (diabetes)

100 grams of wolfberry fruit washed, steamed and chewed, 10 grams each time, 3 times a day, can be taken for a long time, can help lower blood sugar and stop exhaustion.

Take 30 grams of Lycium barbarum every night, wash it, chew it, and take it for 10 days. It is generally effective, and it can be taken continuously if necessary.

4 night blindness, vision loss

Wolfberry 6 grams, 6 grams of white chrysanthemum, soaked in water instead of tea.

5 Treatment of eye diseases

Liver deficiency and eye pain, Seeing wind and tears, cloud clearing eyes, cataract embolism: 250 grams of wolfberry fruit, appropriate amount of rice wine, soak in the jar, seal it for 1-2 months, drink in moderation after eating, 2 times a day.

6 Lycium barbarum tonifying kidney can choose Lycium barbarum sheep kidney soup

30 grams of wolfberry fruit, a pair of sheep kidneys, add water and seasoning, simmer, and drink soup to eat kidneys. The tonic effect of Lycium barbarum focuses on invigorating the kidney, and has a significant effect on kidney deficiency and low back pain. It is suitable for common use with meals.

7 wolfberry and longan porridge can be used to soothe the nerves

10 grams of wolfberry, 15 grams of longan meat, 4 red dates, 100 grams of japonica rice, wash and add water to make porridge for consumption. This side has a better effect on blood deficiency and insomnia. Eat regularly.

8 Lycium barbarum can be used for brain health.

< p>Take 250 grams of wolfberry and one sheep brain, put it in a container, add salt, onion, ginger, cooking wine, and steam it in water. You can add a little MSG to taste before eating. Suitable for meals.

9 Chronic atrophic gastritis

Select Ningxia wolfberry Wash, dry and beat: 20 grams per day, chew and take on an empty stomach in 2 times, 2 months is a course of treatment.

(Health Master)

【Source :Beijing Youth Network]

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