God! The old man in Ningbo was trimming the flowers and plants at home. After 3 hours, his whole body was so itchy that he was almost killed by poisoning! Doctor: It was the cause!

Unexpectedly, pruning flowers and plants can be poisonous? Don’t believe it, this old man has encountered such a thing, what kind of plant is so “poisonous”? Let’s take a look~jasmine Many people are familiar with it.62-year-old Uncle Weng also planted a tree in his garden, but he never imagined that he was poisoned and almost died because of pruning the windmill jasmine. . On the morning of June 14, Uncle Weng was pruning flowers and plants in his garden. About 3 hours after pruning the windmill jasmine, he suddenly felt hair on his scalp itch. The old man took some antipruritic medicine by himself, but the condition was not relieved, and then he developed itching all over the body, accompanied by chest tightness, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms. The family sent the old man to the emergency treatment of Yinzhou People’s Hospital. (not picture and text)

According to the introduction of Dr. Xin Gang, the treating doctor of Mr. Weng, when Mr. Weng was first brought in, he was sweating profusely, had chest tightness and shortness of breath, and had a fast pulse. At that time, his blood pressure was only 86/46mmHg, indicating that The patient has obvious symptoms of anaphylactic shock. Xin Gang immediately organized the rescue, and the patient’s symptoms were quickly and effectively controlled. When asked about the medical history, he learned that Mr. Weng had pruned the windmill jasmine before the onset of the disease. The doctor concluded that it was probably allergic to the windmill jasmine. (not picture and text) /span>Fortunately, Mr. Weng was sent to the doctor in time, and it did not cause a serious problem in the end. Xin Gang introduced, The toxicity of windmill jasmine mainly exists in the sap of the plant, and human skin will produce allergic reactions when it comes into contact with the sap. Accidental ingestion of windmill jasmine may cause symptoms such as vomiting, dizziness, and shock in severe cases. It is not recommended to place flower pots indoors for cultivating windmill jasmine. Gloves must be worn during daily care, and care must be taken when pruning to avoid sap from contacting the skin. If the plant is accidentally damaged during the breeding process, the sap from the wound may contact human skin, which may cause allergic reactions such as redness, itching, and burning sensation. At this time, it is necessary to flush immediately and send to the hospital for treatment. In addition, he reminded that drugs, food, etc. may cause allergies, and individuals should avoid contact with known allergens as much as possible, especially those with allergies, and should reduce or avoid allergenic substances. Active contact.