“Glue-injected meat” or has flooded? Director of Gastroenterology: These 5 kinds of meat, advise parents to keep their mouths

Food quality and safety has always been one of the concerns of the people. People will experience deterioration and a large amount of chemical components in the process of buying food. After ingesting the human body, Nausea, vomiting, abdominal distension, abdominal pain and other toxic reactions are prone to occur.

The meat products sold on the market are ranked No. 1 in the economic rankings. According to relevant economic market data statistics show that: 2021 The sales volume of pork in my country is as high as 560 million, and the people with high demand are the adult stage of 35 to 55 years old.

Meat products contain high-quality protein, fat, vitamin C, vitamin K, minerals, amino acids, calcium, Iron, zinc, etc., help to supplement the energy substances that the body lacks, and achieve the effect of improving the immune system’s resistance.

The problem of food and clothing in the era has long been resolved, but the food quality problem has become more serious. To extend the shelf life of meat products, a large number of chemical additives are usually injected to achieve the purpose of preservation.

This is also one of the reasons for the appearance of glue-injected meat. The nutrients contained in it have been eroded by chemical additives. After entering the human body, it is easy to induce gastrointestinal diseases and increase the risk of cancer.


Injected meat, do you understand?

According to the analysis of the trend of market problems in 2010: the main problem is the poor quality of meat products.

1. Too much flesh in water

2. The glue-injected meat is difficult to distinguish

3. The water-injected meat has gained weight Gao

In order to solve this series of market problems, the national government has given the best measures to suppress the over-selling of stalls and vendors , requires a food safety certificate and a marketing authorization certificate.

However, it has not fundamentally solved the phenomenon of poor quality food ingredients. In recent years, the phenomenon of glue-injected meat has gradually emerged, and people do not appear in the purchase process. A certain fineness and discernment, but in the cooking process, the taste and texture of fresh meat products are different.

The so-called glue-injected meat, which is defined by food nutrition as: adding a large amount of carrageenan to prolong the shelf life of food and avoid spoilage When heated at high temperature, the gelatinity of the ingredients is reduced, resulting in a milky white and transparent viscous free-flowing solution.

According to the research on relevant components, the original high-quality protein is lost in every 100 grams of pork with carrageenan, and the amount of fat and water released can increase 33.9%, and the profit rate is 0.8 times higher.


Glued meat or has it flooded? Director of Gastroenterology: These 5 kinds of meat, advise parents to keep their mouths

1. Cheap steak< /strong>

Influenced by local regional diets, Western food is very popular among young people. The average price of steaks sold in restaurants is 100 Around the yuan, the taste needs and physiological needs of their own are divided into different maturity levels.

But most people usually buy in supermarketsBuying steak, because of its cheap price, makes the crowd have a high demand to buy steak, but it is difficult to guarantee the quality.

According to the relevant food research team’s ingredient extraction experiment, the average price of steaks sold in the meat products area of ​​the supermarket is 15~18 yuan per pack, and most of them contain carrageenan. , additives, synthetic meat ingredients.

Therefore, it will not bring certain harm to the human body in a short time, but long-term use will also aggravate its own gastrointestinal tract. The burden of pressure, especially for adolescents in the growth and development period, is prone to the harm of precocious puberty.

2. Chicken chops

For the fried chicken fillets, fried chicken chops, etc. sold by stall vendors, it is also one of the favorite snacks of some young people. The production process is mainly based on repeated frying until mature, adding appropriate of pepper, chili powder and saccharin.

The taste is soft, glutinous, glutinous, rich and fragrant, but the meaty raw materials used are starch-based synthetic products, usually chicken skin, with appropriate edible glue added And additive ingredients to achieve the purpose of improving the taste.

Ingestion of this fried food for a long time will also cause a large amount of oil and fat components to precipitate on the surface of blood vessels, disturbing human triglycerides and cholesterol Standard range, aggravate the risk of hyperlipidemia and hypertension.

3. Hot pot balls with different flavors

Shrimp balls, vegetable balls, peeing beef balls and fish balls sold in the market are among the favorite hot pot auxiliary products. They are usually cooked at high temperature with hot pot base materials to meet their own taste needs. .

During the process of eating, you will obviously feel that the taste is too strong, which is not the normal feeling produced by the original meat products, but adding a lot of Changes due to edible gums, starches, and additives.

Ingestion of human body for a long time will not only lead to lack of nutrition, but also lead to the deposition of a large number of chemically stimulating toxins on the surface of human liver and kidneys. Increase your risk of cancer.

4, Boxed Beef Rolls, Pork Rolls

The average price of authentic beef rolls and pork rolls sold in the market is about 23 yuan to 25 yuan per pound, but the boxed meat rolls sold in supermarkets are popular because of their cheap prices. A favorite of some people.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for, and a box of 8~10 yuan is not a real meaty ingredient, but a lot of ingredients are added in the production process. Carrageenan, starch additives, and synthetic leftover ingredients, after being cooked at high temperature, the color and taste of meat products are prone to a strong fishy smell.

5. Starch intestine

Starch sausage products, which are popular among young people, are priced at about 3~4 yuan per piece. During the production process, they are fried at high temperature to achieve maturity. According to their own taste needs, appropriate seasonings are added accordingly. Taste.

In order to increase their own profit costs, some businesses usually reuse the edible oil components, and in the process of insisting on their own benzopyrene components , It is easy to damage the health of human gastrointestinal surface cells, and increase the risk of inflammatory diseases and infectious diseases.

The nutrients contained in the starchy intestine are not high, and the carbohydrates and minerals are excessive, which are converted into glucose, Maltose is deposited on the surface of blood vessels, which to a certain extent aggravates the risk of hyperglycemia and hyperlipidemia.


How to choose the right meat products?

[Watch Stamp]

In the market, for the pork that has passed the inspection, the method of stamping is usually used to clearly distinguish it. The common colors are blue and red, which are all made from food-based pigments. After ingesting the human body, It won’t bring any harm.

[Watch Surface]

Suggestions When buying meat products, you must pay attention to whether there is white particulate matter on the surface of the meat, so as to avoid sudden death of meat products due to cysticercosis infection, which may lead to the risk of poisoning after ingesting the human body. #Xiafang Health Guide#
