“Glue-injected meat” has flooded? Gastroenterologist: These 5 kinds of meat, please tell your parents to keep your mouth shut

In the necessities of life, food occupies a large part of people’s daily life. In the past, people’s living standards were relatively poor, and they were only satisfied with food and clothing. In modern society, people’s living standards have been continuously improved, and the diet structure has also undergone great changes. Meat has become the main force on the table.

In addition to pork, chicken, duck, fish, etc. are also widely welcomed by people, and they are not only rich in taste, Its nutritional value is also very high. All kinds of meat are rich in nutrients, such as protein, minerals, amino acids and various trace elements, which can fully meet the nutritional needs of the body.

As the saying goes It is far from enough to solve the appetite. While satisfying the taste buds, everyone should pay more attention to the quality of food.

In this materialistic era, many black-hearted businesses seem to have violated the original intention of their business. To obtain higher profits, we have made a lot of efforts in food quality. If we cannot identify the tricks, it is likely to cause damage to our health.


What is Glued Meat?

Have you ever heard of glue injection meat? In fact, injecting glue into meat has become an open secret in the industry. This practice is nothing more than businessmen want to make money. Another reason is that most people can recognize water-injected meat, but once glue is injected into meat, people can’t tell the difference. clear.

“Glue-injected meat” is a mixture of edible glue, water and carmine injected into pigs, cattle and sheep, and then Use the coagulability of the glue to “lock” the moisture. Some butchers also add some salt and preservatives to extend the shelf life of the meat when injecting glue.

Jellies, fudge, and ice cream also contain carrageenan. Although it can be eaten, the country has strict regulations on the scope of application and dosage of carrageenan. If it is added and eaten improperly, it will be very detrimental to the health of consumers.

Excessive consumption of carrageenan can damage intelligence. Once consumers eat cooked food products containing excessive carrageenan, it will hinder the human body’s ability to respond to the disease. The absorption of minerals and other nutrients, such as iron deficiency, can cause anemia, damage to intellectual development and behavioral changes, and neurological disorders can also occur.

In addition, like Sudan, Carmine is used for food coloring and is only allowed in Use within the prescribed content, because it is chronically toxic and can easily damage the liver of the consumer. After long-term accumulation in the human body, it will cause cancer.


Is the “Glue-Injected Meat” rampant? Gastroenterologist: These 5 kinds of meat, please tell your parents to keep your mouth shut

1. Sausage

Sausage should be a childhood memory of many people, a unique One of the characteristic street food, but the raw materials of grilled sausages are worth knowing. Most of the grilled sausages are made of chicken skin, duck skin and carrageenan. increases the risk of physical illness.

2. Beef and Lamb Roll

Beef and mutton rolls are a must-have for hot pot. Not only does it look very beautiful, but the cuts are also very delicious. However, the price of beef and mutton rolls sold by some small vendors is very cheap, but many consumers say that these beef and mutton rolls are very cheap. After being boiled, the rolls will become very broken and even become slag, which is most likely made of glue-injected meat.

3. Hot Pot Balls

Many people like to put some hot pot balls on hot pot. Everyone knows that the price of hot pot balls is relatively cheap, even if it is peeing beef balls, fish balls, shrimps The price of pills will not exceed 10 yuan. This is because most of these hot pot balls are made of starch, carrageenan, and a large number of food additives. Although the taste is delicious, frequent eating will increase the burden on the digestive system.

4. Low-priced cooked beef

< p data-track="21"> As we all know, under normal circumstances, the price of raw beef is about 50 yuan per catty, but the price of cooked beef sold in many deli is very cheap, this is because These low-priced cooked beef are made of glue-injected beef. The appearance of the enterprise is the same as that of normal beef, and ordinary consumers can’t tell the difference.

5. Chicken chops< /p>

Chicken chops should be the favorite of many children. Most people think that chicken chops are made of chicken, but this is not the case. Most of them use chicken scraps. In order to increase the taste, a large amount of food additives and edible glue will be added. Long-term consumption will not only increase the content of heavy metals, but also affect the metabolism of liver and kidney.


How to identify water-injected meat and glue-injected meat?

1. Touch the meat

An air-drying film is easy to form on the surface of normal meat, and it is slightly dry or wet to the touch. The surface of the water-injected meat is not easy to form an air-drying film, and it feels obviously moist when touched by hand, and it feels relatively smooth when moving. Glue-injected meat is generally harder than normal meat.

2. View color

Normal meat is bright red or dark red with a shiny surface, subcutaneous fat and suet are milky or pinkish white, and intermuscular fat is clearly visible. The water-injected meat is pink and paler and whitish than normal meat. The subcutaneous fat and suet are slightly congested and pink. The muscles generally have a watery luster, tender and swollen. The glue-injected meat is a pale yellow powder.

3. Smell

For unscrupulous traders who only increase weight, industrial carrageenan is mostly used. Industrial glue has a pungent odor. Carefully identify the odor of normal meat. Difference. The glue-injected meat can smell a little pungent.

4. Moisture measurement

Use a water-injected meat moisture meter. In 2010, the new national standard made more clear restrictions on the moisture limit of livestock and poultry meat: the moisture content of pork is less than 76.5%; the moisture content of beef is less than 76.5%; the moisture content of chicken meat is less than 76.5%; the moisture content of mutton is less than 77.5%; the moisture content of duck meat is less than 80%.

5. Press with hand

In normal meat, when the muscle incision section is pressed with fingers, the dent can be recovered quickly, and there is no or very little water seepage after pressing. The subcutaneous fat of the water-injected meat is obviously thickened, there is obvious edema, and the muscles are slack. When pressed by hand, the dent often recovers slowly or cannot be recovered, losing the inherent elasticity of fresh meat, and often accompanied by watery fluid exudation. The glue-injected meat feels sticky when pressed.