“Glue-injected meat” has flooded? Director of the Department of Gastroenterology: Please tell your parents to keep your mouth shut with these 5 kinds of meat

People take food as their priority. In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, the diet structure has also undergone great changes. Meat has become the most important food in every household. One of the inseparable foods.

As the main force on the table, all kinds of meat not only taste delicious, but also have nutritional value that cannot be ignored. , which is rich in protein, minerals, amino acids and a variety of trace elements, which can fully supplement the nutritional needs of the body and cannot be replaced by other foods. #xiafanghealthguide#

In fact, “people take food as their heaven” and there is another sentence, which is “food for safety” Food safety and quality issues have always been the top priority of people’s attention. It is not enough to simply solve food and clothing. If the food we eat every day contains a lot of toxins and harmful substances, our health will inevitably suffer. implicated.

However, there are many businesses on the market, in order to satisfy their own selfish interests, people’s health is thrown away. After that, he moved a lot of hands and feet in the production and processing of various meat products, such as glue-injected meat.


What is glued meat?

There are three types of problematic meat in the market, one is water-filled meat, the second is water-filled meat, and the third is glue-filled meat. The first two methods are very easy to identify, and many black-hearted merchants have come up with another carrageenan injection method to increase the weight of the meat.

Inject the mixture of edible glue and water into the body of pigs, cattle and sheep, and then use the coagulation of the glue to lock the water, which is difficult to identify with the naked eye, but the glue injection The taste of the meat is much worse than normal meat, and it is not easy to heat.

It is understood that some slaughterhouses also add some salt and preservatives while injecting glue to prolong the shelf life of the meat. After a kilogram of cattle is injected with glue, the weight can reach 290 to 300 kilograms.

Since slaughter costs and pig weight are the keys to profit, the best way to gain weight is to inject live pigs with glue. The amount of glue injected determines the profit. A pig with a gross weight of 100 kg can generally inject 15-35 kg of glue after three injections of glue. According to the calculation of 15 kg of glue injection, illegal traders will earn more than 200 yuan on a pig.

Once consumers use excessive carrageenan products, it will hinder the body’s absorption of nutrients such as minerals. For example, lack of iron will cause anemia, Causes damage to intellectual development and behavioral changes, and neurological disorders may also occur.

And eating too much meat with glue injection, the glue in it will block the blood vessels of the human body, which is not conducive to the transportation of blood to the heart. It will supplement the body with the nutrients it needs, but it will cause nutritional deficiencies and even induce a variety of diseases, so everyone must take more precautions in peacetime.


“Glue-Injected Meat “Has flooded? Director of Gastroenterology: These 5 kinds of meat, please tell your parents to keep your mouth shut

1. Hot pot balls strong>

Nowadays, hot pot balls occupy a huge share in the market. Whether it is eating hot pot or spicy hot pot, hot pot balls have become a The main force, such as peeing beef balls, fish balls, shrimp dumplings, cuttlefish balls, etc., has a very smooth and smooth taste, and the hot pot or other dishes cooked with hot pot balls are also mouth-watering.

Although these hot pot meatballs are delicious, their production process is prohibitive. Although the name contains the words fish and shrimp, they are not actually made of fish or shrimp. Instead, a large amount of edible glue, starch and various additives are added. Not only do they have no nutrients, but eating too much will increase the burden on the liver and kidneys.

2. Beef and mutton rolls

beef and mutton rolls should be eaten in hot pot The essential materials of the company, in most quality hot pot restaurants, most of the beef and mutton rolls they sell have passed the safety quality certification, but in the refrigerators of many small vendors, the price of the beef and mutton rolls they sell is very cheap, which can not help but make One wonders if its source is safe.

It is well known that quality determines price, and cheap is not good. For the cheaper beef and mutton rolls, most of them are made of glue-injected meat. Using a variety of finely minced meat mixed with edible glue, it looks no different from real beef and mutton rolls, but the quality is vastly different.

3. Cheap Steak

I believe that everyone has eaten steak in a western restaurant. Generally speaking, the price of high-quality steak is relatively expensive, which may be as high as hundreds of yuan, but nowadays, whether it is on the market or in online live broadcasts, many people will use extreme Buy steak at a low price, and it is said that it tastes very good.

In fact, these low-priced steaks are not original cuts, but are reconstituted with finely minced meat and edible gelatin. There is no difference between normal steaks, and ordinary consumers cannot distinguish them at all. Some unscrupulous traders have seized the psychology of consumers’ greed for cheap, which makes the glue-injected steaks flow into the market.

4. Sausage

Roasted sausages have a very long history in the market. Whether in schools, supermarkets or on the street, roasted sausages are a very unique street food. It is a childhood memory of many people. The freshly baked sausages are fresh The fragrance oil is mouth-watering, and it is even more satisfying to eat one while it is still hot.

The selling price of these sausages is relatively cheap, usually ranging from 1 to 5 yuan, but the origin is unknown, and most of them belong to the three no products. Most of them are made of starch and unsalable glue-injected meat. Short-term consumption may not cause harm to the body, but long-term consumption of large quantities will not only cause the body to gain weight, but also easily increase the risk of disease.

5. Chicken fillets

Fried chicken fillet is also one of the street food specialties. Its golden appearance, delicious smell and smooth taste are widely welcomed by people. Most people think that chicken tenderloin is made from chicken, but this is not the case.

Most chicken fillets and chicken chops use leftovers of chicken, which can better increase the taste of chicken, and may also add a lot of chicken essence and chicken powder , edible gums and food additives, long-term consumption will not only increase the body fat content, but also easily lead to increased blood lipids, increasing the burden on the kidneys and liver.


Read the extension- How to identify glue injection meat?

1. Touch the meat quality

Normal meat is soft and elastic, and it can slowly return to its original shape when pressed with a finger. “Glue-injected meat” contains edible glue and other items, and the meat is hard and springs back. less likely.

2. Look at the color of the meat

“Glue-injected meat” mostly uses carrageenan with a light yellow color, which is different from normal white fat, and its color is yellowish, which can help to distinguish.

3. Smell

Carrageenan has a pungent odor. If the meat you buy has a pungent odor, it is best not to eat it to avoid harm to the body.