Girls with smooth skin can be judged from 3 places, if you have one too, it is really enviable

The direct manifestation of youth and beauty is that the skin is smooth and white and tender, but aging will break this appearance. The skin will become loose and inflexible due to the loss of collagen in the skin due to time. Open and unable to retract, gradually form wrinkles, and at the same time, the skin will become melanin deposition due to some bad “bad habits” in life, and the skin will be dark yellow, lacking vitality and color.

Of course some people don’t take care of themselves very much, but their skin is more delicate and smoother than those who take care of themselves, without the slightest wrinkle, which makes people look envious. In fact, if you want to keep your skin smooth and tender, In addition to daily attention to skin care, you also need to get rid of some bad habits in order to fundamentally remain white and tender.

Smooth-skinned girls can be judged from 3 places, if you have one too, it’s really enviable

likes to drink water



Some girls drink a lot of water in one day. This is a very good point. When the body drinks enough water, the skin will be more supple, and the skin will be fuller when it is full of water. , the skin will become more and more smooth and tender, and at the same time do not like to drink water. When a woman, the skin will become dry, dark yellow, and sufficient moisture is also conducive to metabolism, so when you have nothing to do, you should drink more Water, to ensure that the skin is full of moisture, the skin will become more and more smooth.

Take breaks

Women who get enough sleep have a very good complexion, very rosy and shiny, all because the body and skin are getting enough sleep Rest, the body’s nutrients are also replenished, the skin will become more and more smooth and natural, at the same time, lack of rest will cause the skin to become rough, dull, and lack of vitality. With the renewal and replacement, the moisture will gradually recover, and the skin will be dry and rough.

Do face masks often

Masks do have many functions, such as cleansing, moisturizing, hydrating, whitening, calming, shrinking, etc. These are all skin problems. Therefore, you can keep your skin smooth and tender by making face masks often. People who make face masks often have better skin than those who don’t make face masks. This is because certain ingredients contained in face masks can be absorbed and utilized by the skin, so they can be maintained. The skin is smoother and firmer.

Girls who want to keep their skin smooth, in addition to doing the above things, also need to exercise a lot to keep their metabolism normal.