Ginger goes well with it, men eat three slices a day, their bodies are getting stronger and stronger, and they are not old at 60!

With the continuous enhancement of people’s health awareness, various health preservation methods are constantly being introduced, and spring is the golden period of health preservation. It is the season of growth of all things. In fact, it is also the season when the human body re-breaks the cocoon into a butterfly and rejuvenates. Doing good health care in the spring will lay a solid foundation for the health of the year. Therefore, the spring health care is the right time.

However, to talk about the top priority of spring health, it must be winter The cold evil in the human body is discharged, the evil energy accumulated in the winter will be driven away, and the yang qi will be generated, so as to prepare a reserve for the consumption of the whole year. immune mechanism.

The more yang qi is sufficient, the stronger the body will be. Humans have a good ability to protect the body when hair is born. Therefore, reserving and maintaining yang qi from spring is the foundation of a year’s health, so how should we nourish yang? Chinese medicine believes that nourishing The easiest way to yang is – eat ginger.

Ginger is a very common ingredient, every household I have ginger in my kitchen, because ginger has a wide range of uses. Not only can it be eaten directly, but it can also be used as a seasoning to enhance the flavor and flavor of dishes. Therefore, everyone will have some ginger at home, which is a must for the kitchen. In addition, together with green onion and garlic, it is called the “Three Musketeers of the Kitchen”.

Ginger has outstanding effect as a seasoning, and it is also a good food in daily life , it is a commonly used traditional Chinese medicine with the functions of relieving the exterior and dispelling cold, warming the middle and relieving vomiting, warming the lungs and relieving cough, and detoxification. You must know that ginger is a hot food. Often eating ginger can not only drive away the cold Keeping warm, it can also warm the stomach, and remove the moisture from the body, which has many benefits to the body. Therefore, everyone must eat more ginger in spring.

Eat ginger in spring to remove dampness and cold, strengthen spleen and stomach

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According to the results of a survey in Japan, regardless of men and women, once they pass the age of 30, they will experience physical fatigue and low body temperature, and the consequent negative effects It is the adverse symptoms such as backache and shoulder pain, poor blood circulation and low metabolism of the human body.

In this regard, the director of Ishihara Clinic in Nagasaki, Japan, a famous Japanese Ishihara Shincai, author of health books, pointed out in his book “Steamed Ginger Health Law that Does Not Get Sick” that eating ginger can effectively promote body metabolism and increase body temperature; it can clean blood, dilate blood vessels, and improve blood circulation; Moreover, it can also improve immunity, lower cholesterol, and enhance digestion and absorption.

Not only that, Chinese medicine also has “color treatment with color” We all know that the surface of ginger is mostly yellow-brown or gray-brown, and the inner core is light yellow, and the yellow corresponds to the spleen in the five internal organs, so it can enter the spleen and is the medicine for the spleen. Wet, ginger yellow is warm, so it has the effect of warming and stopping vomiting.

In addition, the changeable weather in spring makes people prone to fever Cold, at this time, eating ginger can have a good effect on preventing colds and colds, but when it comes to how to eat ginger, Many people have a question, that is, ginger is so pungent , it’s hard to swallow if you eat it directly, and it’s easy to get angry if you eat too much. How should you eat it?

In fact, there are many ways to eat, we can make ginger candy, ginger tea, vinegar pickled ginger, etc. These are the tastes that everyone can accept, and the taste is very good, among them , vinegar soaked gingeris a traditional health preservation method, and it is also the most respected way of health preservation by many experts, because the ginger soaked in vinegar not only dissipates a lot of spicy taste, but also has a crisp and delicious taste, which is quite good. , Invisibly, it can also maximize the effect of ginger. Ginger and vinegar are really a perfect match. Eat three pieces a day, nourish the liver and kidney, good for the body, women often eat it, beauty and beauty, ruddy complexion, more men Eat, invigorate the kidneys and qi, strengthen the body, even if you are 60 years old, you will not look old!

Besides that, if you insist on soaking ginger with vinegar every day, after a period of time, the following six major changes will occur in your body:< /p>

I. Improve the symptoms of hair loss and delay aging

We all know that ginger is warm, so it has the functions of warming, sweating and anti-vomiting. Moreover, the substances contained in ginger can also deal with oxygen free radicals, anti-aging, For people who are troubled by hair loss, Frequently pickled ginger can effectively promote blood circulation and metabolism, thereby reducing hair loss.

Second, prolong life

After understanding, ginger is rich in gingerol, which has the effect of strengthening the spleen and stomach, and can promote bile secretion, which is conducive to better digestion , there are many proverbs related to ginger in the folk, and it is also a health preservation method respected by the ancients. , in ancient times, it can be said to be very long-lived, which is closely related to his eating habit of “not withdrawing ginger food”.

Three, relieve arthritis< /p>

Curcumin in turmeric belongs to polyphenols, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Therefore, sticking to vinegar and soaking ginger can effectively eliminate joints. Inflammation, inhibits the onset of arthritis.

Fourth, dilation of blood vessels

Ginger can clean blood, dilate blood vessels, promote blood circulation, improve immunity, lower cholesterol, enhance digestion and absorption, plus, vinegar has the ability to dilate blood vessels It can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.I have to say that the two are really well matched. It is a strong combination. It is no exaggeration to say that it provides double insurance for blood vessels.

V. Sweating and antipyretic< /p>

You must know that vinegar soaked ginger can promote blood circulation, invigorate stomach function, so as to strengthen stomach, Pain relief, sweating, antipyretic effects, enhance the body’s resistance, make people less sick.

Six, relieve cold hands and feet< /p>

Ginger is the best ingredient for replenishing yang qi. Generally, ordinary people can greatly improve the yang qi of the body after eating for three months. The body begins to warm up, and the hands and feet are no longer cold.Especially female friends who love beauty may wish to try soaking ginger in vinegar, as long as they persist for a while, they will see obvious effects.

All in all, the above are the health benefits of vinegar soaked ginger , since we also know that there are so many benefits of long-term vinegar soaked ginger, We suggest that you try it. However, I would like to remind everyone here to control the amount of consumption, and it is best not to exceed the amount every morning. Three slices, otherwise it will hurt the body. Now the most important thing is to choose the right ingredients.

Although ginger and vinegar are very common ingredients in our daily life, if you want to make authentic at home The difficulty of soaking ginger in vinegar is not small. If you do not master the proportion, you will fail. It should be noted that in this way, it is difficult to meet the standard of hygiene.

In addition, it is difficult for us to control the bubble effect,thanIncorrect examples and poor materials will greatly reduce the effect of ginger soaked in vinegar. For example, some small workshops make it very spicy and hard to swallow.

Therefore, here I recommend this ready-made vinegar soaked ginger made of Tongling white ginger. This is made by a master with decades of experience, according to a certain proportion, after 40 days of soaking and fermentation.

The most worth mentioning is Tongling White Ginger It is a National Geographical Indication product and has the reputation of “Chinese White Ginger”. The ginger has a full body and a strong ginger flavor, which is perfect for making ginger vinegar.

As soon as you open it, you can smell a strong aroma of vinegar, ginger soaked in vinegar,< /span>It also becomes soft and soft. Through the acidity of the vinegar, the ginger becomes peaceful, which is more suitable for consumption. Moreover, we don’t have to worry about getting hot when we eat it, and we don’t have to worry about too much ginger Too spicy to eat.

People who don’t like ginger also said: It’s really good Eat!

A bite is crunchy, the thickness and size are just right, the ginger slices are very tender,Less the spicy taste of ginger itself, more the fragrance of vinegar, sweet and sour, very delicious.

Every morning a bowl of fragrant millet porridge with three or four pieces of vinegar and ginger, < span>It’s delicious and very healthy, and the vinegar saucecan also be usednoodlesor YesDumplingseat, they are all delicious!

Put ginger in vinegar for a dip, I can’t believe it has such a great effect, it solves the troubles of many men and women!

“Eating three slices of ginger in the morning is better than drinking ginseng soup”, If you feel a cold stomach and often cold hands and feet, It’s easy to catch a cold.Take three tablets in the morning, the sour taste is enjoyable, the spicy is gentle, and the stomach is warm and comfortable.

Many people blow air conditioners in summer, and they like to drink cold drinks, and their health is early. A lot of moisture has accumulated. At this time, you might as well insist on eating 3 pieces of vinegar soaked ginger every day to drive away the cold in the body, shake off the moisture, and eat healthy to improve your body and make you less sick.

Currently discounted price2 bottles of 59 yuan, come with your family Share it, it’s good to eat it directly or with rice and porridge.Not only that, but giving ginger vinegar to family and friends is also the “best gift”!

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