Getting up in the morning is the “golden period” for lipid-lowering. Eat 3 more kinds of breakfast, and blood lipids may “drop down”

Speaking of hyperlipidemia, I believe you are not unfamiliar. It is commonly known as “three high diseases” together with hypertension and hyperglycemia, and is a very common one. Although the current medical level is constantly improving, these diseases cannot be cured and can only be improved by drugs. If there is an abnormality, they can only be stabilized by taking drugs to avoid the appearance of complications.

Severe hyperlipidemia can lead to atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease and even insulitis. Complications, known as the invisible killer.

Blood lipids refer to the general term for induced acids and cholesterol in plasma , their cells metabolize nutrients such as cholesterol in the blood, or if they feel that the level of tertiary is elevated, symptoms of hyperlipidemia will appear.

In the past, hyperlipidemia was a common disease of the elderly, but for us now, hyperlipidemia has been It is no longer the patent of the elderly, and the incidence rate is getting younger and younger. Of course, as the age increases, the incidence rate will gradually increase.

What happens to the body when blood lipids are abnormal?

[Decreased Vision]

Some people are prone to vision loss or blurred vision before they suffer from high blood lipids. This may be because blood lipids gradually become sticky, and our blood flow is slow, resulting in retinal damage Or with transient hypoxia-ischemia of the optic nerve.


Many people with hyperlipidemia normally experience dizziness, which is also an early symptom, especially the elderly will feel a fever after getting up, and after a period of time It will be improved, and it is particularly prone to this situation after eating. In fact, this is caused by the high blood lipids in our body.

[abdominal pain after breakfast]

< p data-track="11">Patients with hyperlipidemia are in a state of fullness after eating dinner, and may also experience short-term pain problems, which are all arteriosclerosis caused by high blood lipids, thus causing symptoms of gastrointestinal ischemia.

[leg cramps]

Hyperlipidemia often feels sore in the calf muscles, as well as cold and numbness. This is also due to cholesterol and the manifestations in our legs. Of course, in this case, many people will mistakenly think that it is caused by calcium deficiency.

Dyslipidemia occurs in the following situations

Morning is the golden period for lipid lowering. Eating more of these three types of breakfast will reduce blood lipids

< span>The best breakfast time should be around 7:00~8:30. During this time period, the gastrointestinal motility is the most active, and the digestion of food is also very strong, which is more conducive to the decomposition and digestion of food. digestion, thereby reducing the accumulation of fat in our stomach.

Toxins and garbage in the body can be excreted faster under gastrointestinal peristalsis. When the feces are completely excreted, The body has also entered a stage of rapid circulation. From this point of view, if the choice of breakfast is not accurate, it can indeed play a role in stabilizing the level of blood lipids to a certain extent.

Therefore, patients with hyperlipidemia may wish to eat the following three foods in the morning to help stabilize blood lipids.

[Vitamin-Rich Foods]< /p>

When you have breakfast, you can eat it with some fruits and foods rich in vitamins, especially vitamin E, which can protect us from colds. C can also play a role in preventing damage to blood vessels.

These two ingredients limit the process of excess fat storage and oxidation in our body, thereby reducing the formation of blood clots Chances, such as eating more lemons, pineapples, oranges, etc.



The protein in milk can effectively inhibit the synthesis of cholesterol and help reduce blood lipids to a certain extent. In addition, the minerals in milk, such as copper, iron and zinc, are also very rich. span>

Our breakfast with milk not only helps to stabilize blood sugar, but also relieves fatigue and improves the body’s resistance, thereby enhancing Calcium absorption in the body

[Celery] span>

Celery is a very common green vegetable. The nutritional value of this vegetable is also very high, and a large amount of dietary fiber is eaten properly. Some celery can boost our gastrointestinal motility and lower blood lipid levels.


In addition to changing three meals, eat less of these three types of foods that raise blood lipids

[Animal Liver]

< p data-track="30">Animal liver is what we often eat every day. For example, the liver and heart don’t look at these small animals, but the liver contains very high cholesterol content. Cholesterol is 3 to 4 times that of lean meat. If people after the age of 45 eat animal liver, it will easily lead to the accumulation of cholesterol in our body and increase blood lipids.

[Greasy Food]

Eating too much greasy food in food can also cause our blood sugar to rise, but such food only raises cholesterol and also raises our methylate. As a result, blood lipids are twice as high, so people who eat greasy food are more likely to have elevated blood lipids. If this continues, it will enter a vicious circle, induce a series of vascular diseases, and even increase the possibility of sudden death.

[Foods High in Sugar]< /p>

Foods with high sugar content will increase the level of triglycerides in our body, which will also cause our blood lipids to increase. Eat, foods with high sugar content are usually eaten less, such as common desserts and sugars. Eating more foods with high dietary fiber can help reduce blood lipids.

In summary, do you have any tips for demotion? Please share in the comments section below.