Get up early and eat a few peanuts on an empty stomach for a month, these 4 benefits may be “uninvited”

There is a folk saying that “eating peanuts can keep you healthy, but eating peanuts doesn’t make you want to eat meat”, which is enough to explain the health benefits of peanuts. #Xiafang Health Guide#

From the perspective of traditional Chinese medicine health care: eat regularly Peanuts help prolong life. Folks call peanuts “longevity fruit”, and together with soybeans, they are known as “vegetable meat” and “the meat of the vegetarian food”.

So, what are the health benefits of peanuts? It is recommended to consult a doctor to find out.

First of all, let’s understand the dietary effects of peanuts

[Promote cell development and improve intelligence]Peanut protein contains more than 10 amino acids needed by the human body, among which lysine Can help children improve intelligence, glutamic acid and aspartic acid can promote cell development and enhance the memory of the brain.

[Anti-aging, anti-premature aging]Peanut The catechins contained in it have a very powerful antioxidant effect on the human body, and lysine is also one of the important components to prevent premature aging. Eating peanuts often is conducive to delaying the aging of the body, so peanuts have the reputation of “longevity fruit”. .

【Running Lungs and Relieving Cough】Peanuts are rich in fatty oils , can have the effect of moistening the lungs and relieving cough, and is often used for chronic cough, asthma, bloody sputum and other diseases.

[Coagulation and Hemostasis]The peanut coat contains A variety of oils and vitamins, and there are substances that can shorten the coagulation time, which can resist the dissolution of fibrin and improve the function of the bone marrow to produce small platelets.

It not only has the effect of hemostasis for various bleeding diseases, but also has certain treatment for primary diseases It is beneficial to human hematopoietic function.

【Blood and Milk】Peanuts are rich in fat Oil and protein have the effect of nourishing qi and blood, nourishing blood and smoothing milk for postpartum milk deficiency.

A Case

< span>Xiao Li is 26 years old and works as a white-collar worker in a listed company in Shanghai. She is usually very busy at work, and she lives far away from the company. She gets up at 5:00 in the morning to take the subway or bus to work, and sometimes works overtime until ten days in the evening. One or two o’clock, she was exhausted from such a busy life.

Three meals a day cannot be eaten regularly, sometimes breakfast is simply ignored, takeaway for lunch, and barbecue for dinner , Malatang, and irregular diet for a long time made her gastrointestinal discomfort, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea and other symptoms. Later, she was advised to eat a small handful of peanuts on an empty stomach every morning, which has the effect of nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach.

Xiao Li didn’t believe it at first, but in order to avoid going to the hospital to spend more money on examinations, she still adopted this method. After a month, she did not expect that her gastrointestinal discomfort was much better, which surprised her.

The doctor said: Eating peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning not only has the effect of nourishing the stomach, but also has the following benefits.

Get up early and eat a few peanuts on an empty stomach for a month, these 4 benefits may be” Uninvited”

1. Nourishing and protecting stomach

Eat a few peanuts on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning. The unsaturated fatty acids contained in peanuts have a good effect on promoting gastrointestinal motility and can effectively relieve gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, acid regurgitation, heartburn, etc.

And peanuts are rich in cellulose and vitamins, which are pure natural health nutrients.

2. Laxatives

< p data-track="21">Peanuts are rich in linoleic acid, which can replenish energy for the body in time, and can also provide raw materials for the body to synthesize some important substances in time. Of course, Eating peanuts on an empty stomach in the morning can also reap other benefits, which is the lubricating effect on the intestines.

After getting up in the morning, if you can defecate regularly, it will have an important impact on the detoxification of the body. This benefit is because it is rich in Contains linoleic acid, which can lubricate the intestines and help the body to better excrete waste toxins in the body.

3. Replenishing Qi and Blood

Eating peanuts can not only replenish qi and blood for the body, but also make the complexion ruddy and shiny. On the one hand, it is because peanuts are rich in vitamins, choline and trace elements, which are indispensable raw materials for conditioning the body’s qi and blood.

On the other hand, peanuts are easily absorbed by the stomach and will not bring too much digestive burden to the stomach , thus indirectly exerting the effect of nourishing the stomach and protecting the stomach.

For women, if they can eat peanuts together with other foods that nourish qi and blood, it will have a negative impact on irregular menstruation, Qi deficiency, etc. to play a positive role.

4. Beauty and beauty

Peanuts are very rich in vitamin E, which is good for the skin for women who love beauty. Female friends who usually pay attention to skin care can eat a few peanuts on an empty stomach after getting up in the morning. If they persist for a period of time, their skin condition will get better and better, and the red coat of peanuts has the effect of nourishing blood, and eating them often can make your complexion better.

Contraindications for peanuts

1. Not suitable for hyperlipidemia patients: peanuts contain a lot of fat, and hyperlipidemia patients eat peanuts, which will lead to blood lipids. Elevated blood lipid levels are often an important pathogenic factor for atherosclerosis, hypertension, coronary heart disease and other diseases.

2. People with cholecystectomy should not eat: The fat contained in peanuts needs bile to digest, and the function of storing bile is lost after the gallbladder is removed. If such patients eat a lot of peanuts and do not have a lot of bile to help digestion, indigestion is often induced.

3. People with indigestion cannot eat: Peanuts contain a lot of People with poor gastrointestinal function such as enteritis and dysentery may aggravate the condition by eating peanuts.

4. People with bruises and bruises should not eat:< span>Peanuts contain a procoagulant factor. After bruises and blood stasis, people who eat peanuts may cause blood stasis and aggravate the symptoms of swelling and pain.

All in all, peanuts are indeed a healthy food with good quality, low price and comprehensive nutrition, but it is worth noting that peanuts are easy to deteriorate, and they are prone to cause carcinogenicity after deterioration. Strong aflatoxin, it should be properly stored. If the peanuts are moldy, they are not edible.

Why are moldy peanuts not edible?

When eating peanuts, I often encounter a few bad peanuts with a strong musty smell. At this time, I must vomit Drop, don’t let him go into the stomach casually. Why can’t you eat bad peanuts with a musty smell?

As early as 1960 in England, 100,000 turkeys in southern and eastern England ate moldy Peanut powder died soon after; the incidence of primary liver cancer is very high in some areas of Africa. After relevant investigations, it was found that it is because the local consumption of moldy peanuts for a long time will cause fatal damage to human cancer. .

So what’s going on here? The answer is aflatoxin. Investigations and studies have shown that Aspergillus flavus can multiply in an environment with a temperature of 30~38°C and a relative humidity of 85%, and some bacteria can produce this toxin.

Aflatoxins have obvious carcinogenic effects on humans and are highly acutely toxic to many animals. Aflatoxins can be found in the seeds of many grain and oil crops, as well as in various foods made from the seeds.

Aflatoxin “has a special liking” for peanuts, among peanuts and various delicious foods made from peanuts, The proportion of aflatoxin is the largest, and the content is also the highest. This is because peanuts are rich in protein, fat, and carbohydrates, which are the best breeding grounds for this toxin, and they can reproduce and expand quickly when the conditions are right.

If you buy raw peanuts at home, keep them in a dry, cool place to prevent aflatoxin It will not be able to breed and reproduce, and will not endanger human health.

Extended reading – eating peanuts with them may be more nutritious, you Have something to eat right?

Peanuts+Jujube—lowering blood pressure, lowering blood sugar, preventing presbyopia< /p>

peanuts+celery – lower cholesterol, strengthen brain and improve intelligence

Peanut + carp – nourishing blood, nourishing deficiency, promoting lactation

Peanut + Soymilk – laxative, brain and anti-aging

Peanut + milk – promoting Bone growth and development

Peanut + vinegar – antibacterial sterilization, detoxification, anti-aging

Peanut + red wine–significantly reduces heart disease rates