Get rid of “post-holiday syndrome” and rub these acupoints

After the Spring Festival holiday ends, many people will feel that their whole body is “out of state”, such as gastrointestinal discomfort, poor sleep (sleep rhythm disorder), and lethargy… TCM experts suggest that to get rid of post-holiday syndrome, it is necessary to get rid of post-holiday syndrome as soon as possible Return to a regular schedule and diet. In addition, you can also use the body’s “treasure box” – acupuncture points, meridians, to quickly restore the state through massage.

Gastrointestinal discomfort – Juxu Point

It is inevitable to eat hasai and snacks constantly during festivals. Constipation, diarrhea. Professor Lin Guohua from the Rehabilitation Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine introduced that the large intestine mainly plays a “conducting” role in the digestive system. If this conduction function is abnormal, people may experience abdominal distension, abdominal pain, bowel sounds, constipation, diarrhea, etc. discomfort. Shangjuxu acupoint is the meridian of the stomach meridian of Foot-Yangming, and is the Xiahe acupoint of the large intestine.

Operation method

Take the most comfortable position (sitting or supine), press the upper Juxu point on both sides with the thumbs of both hands, and hold the other four fingers together to support the calf The abdomen, press and rub it, let the stimulation fully reach the deep layer of the muscle tissue, and produce a feeling of soreness, numbness, swelling, pain, heat, and walking, and plantar flex the ankle joint to strengthen the feeling of acupressure. After a few seconds, Gradually relax and repeat this operation several times. Massage each point for 5 to 10 minutes each time. Moxibustion can also be used at this point.

Sore throat and dry mouth – Rangu point

During the Spring Festival, many people are in a state of “night owls”, either staying up late to watch dramas or to play mahjong and games. Dry throat, mouth ulcers, dry eyes, chest tightness, palpitations, abdominal distention and other uncomfortable symptoms will affect the working status. Lin Guohua introduced that these symptoms belong to traditional Chinese medicine Yin deficiency and fire, and the treatment should be nourishing Yin and clearing heat, nourishing water and cultivating wood. Rangu acupoint has a good effect of balancing the relationship between water and fire, and is the main acupoint for the treatment of yin deficiency and fire.

Operation method

Take a seated position, breathe calmly, place the left leg on the right leg, press the Rangu point vertically with the thumb of the right thumb, and place the other four fingers on the outside. Support, then press and knead it, and flex and extend the big toe, so that the Gu point produces obvious acid, numbness, heaviness, and swelling, and then gently press and knead to relax. Alternate left and right sides, about 10 to 15 minutes. 1 to 2 times a day.

Lack of energy – Jiagen point, head five meridians

If you feel irritable, difficult to concentrate, lethargic, listless, even physically and mentally weak, and have headaches and fatigue after starting work Feeling, Lin Min, the attending physician of the Rehabilitation Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, recommends that the root of the nail can be pinched.

Operation method

Jiagen acupoint is very sensitive when cutting and pressing with nails. There are 10 acupoints on hands and feet. According to the theory of viscera and meridians in traditional Chinese medicine, Jiagen point is an extension of “Jing point”. It is the intersection of yin and yang, essence, qi and blood. When pressing Jiagen point, the fingers will feel numb and hot, which can unblock the meridians and run qi and blood. , adjust the physiological functions of the viscera, refresh the mind.

In addition, you can simply comb the “head five classics” with your fingers. Open the five fingers and comb from the front of the head to the back, all the way to the Fengchi point, which is the junction of the head and the neck. The two hands can be alternately combed, which has the effect of improving the blood supply to the head and refreshing the mind.

Poor sleep – Baihui Point, Sishen Cong

The irregular work and rest during the Spring Festival holiday has disrupted my daily sleep rhythm. To correct it, Lin Min recommends to try beating Baihui Point and Sishen Cong come to help you sleep.

Operation method

There are many acupuncture points on the top of the head, including Baihui point, Sishencong, etc. If you can’t sleep at night, you can separate the five fingers of your hand and tap the top of your head with the pulp of your fingers to help you sleep well.

(According to “Yangcheng Evening News” Chen Hui and Liu Qingjun)