General outpatient clinics, specialist diagnosis and treatment, and routine examinations are normalized, and medical institutions in Putuo District return to routine diagnosis and treatment in an orderly manner

At 9 a.m., in the general outpatient clinic on the second floor of the Changzheng Town Community Health Service Center (hereinafter referred to as Changzheng Social Health), Putuo District, Mr. Lin, a resident of the prevention area who made an online appointment for medical treatment, brought two medical records with him. Cards come to dispense medicine. “This is the first time I’ve walked into the hospital in more than a month.” Both Mr. Lin and his mother are chronically ill patients. During the lockdown, community volunteers dispensed medicines to help them solve the shortage of medicines. Now, the prevention area can be ordered and travel limitedly, and Mr. Lin came to dispense medicine with his mother and his medical record card.

“One month’s supply first.” Long March social health general practitioner Wang Xianchun wrote a prescription for Mr. Lin. With the prescription, Mr. Lin went to the medicine collection window to get it. Medicine, “I feel like I can see a doctor as normal again.” After walking through the familiar medical treatment process, Mr. Lin couldn’t help but sigh.

Caption: Outpatient hall. Photo provided by the interview unit (the same below)

Since mid-April, the Long March Social and Health Outpatient Clinics have been resumed one after another, and residents of the prevention area have been received for medical treatment. “We currently have 2 simple outpatient clinics and 4 general clinics.” Wang Xianchun introduced that the simple clinics mainly receive volunteers who dispense medicines in the community, and the general clinics are responsible for receiving resident patients. At the same time that the general outpatient clinics were opened one after another, the three routines of blood, urine and feces, blood pressure and blood sugar testing in the hospital were also opened one after another. “I stayed in the hospital for more than a month, and I clearly felt that more and more people came to see the doctor every day.” Wang Xianchun feels that the day when he can go home is not far away. He has been stationed in the unit for more than a month.

In order to do a good job in the normalized diagnosis and treatment of community health service centers, Long March Social Health has prepared a plan in advance, set up a one-way channel for medical treatment, and effectively diverted personnel; When the environment is eliminated, the use of elevators to go up and downstairs is suspended. “General clinics are all on the second floor. After checking the application code, scanning the site code, and measuring the temperature at the door of the citizen, you can go directly to the second floor for treatment after completing the registration.” The relevant person in charge of Long March Social Health said that those who have inconvenience in legs and feet Residents will use the emergency room reserved on the first floor, and doctors will go downstairs for diagnosis and treatment.

Caption: Residents with reduced mobility are treated in emergency rooms.

Compared with community health service centers, the daily diagnosis and treatment of major hospitals in Putuo District is more comprehensive. Internal medicine, cardiovascular, gynecology, stomatology… 22 routine departments of Putuo District People’s Hospital have been fully opened from the end of April. At present, the daily outpatient volume of the Cardiovascular Department is nearly 300, and the daily outpatient volume of the Endocrinology Department is also nearly 200. “The number of daily medical visits such as gynecology and stomatology is also rising steadily.” The relevant person in charge of Putuo District People’s Hospital said that in terms of medical staff, the hospital has also prepared relevant plans. “The outpatient clinic and related departments are guaranteed by the first and second echelons. When the first echelon encounters special circumstances, the second echelon can seamlessly connect to ensure the normal opening of the outpatient clinic.”

< p> “In mid-April, our work was mainly to support the anti-epidemic, and the department received one or two patients a day. Since May, the number of patients has gradually increased.” Wu Jianye, director of the Department of Gastroenterology, said that today In one morning, 7 patients requiring gastroenteroscopy were received. “The condition of these patients is relatively urgent. Some of them were found to be abnormal before the closure and control, and they must be re-examined at intervals of more than a month.” More than 3000 people. Citizen Aunt Xu came to see a doctor due to elevated blood sugar during the lockdown. “At that time, I could only go to a simple outpatient clinic and get some medicine for emergency treatment. Now all the specialists are open, and those in our prevention area can see a doctor.” Aunt Xu made an appointment on the mobile phone. At the entrance of the hospital, Aunt Xu scanned the QR code with the “digital sentinel” device and took a quick temperature measurement. Since there was no negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours, she did an antigen self-test on the spot. After the result was negative, she entered the hospital for treatment. “The outpatient clinic advocates time-based, real-name system, full appointments, and staggered peak visits. The patients need to measure their temperature, show the application code, and have a 48-hour nucleic acid test negative report or on-site antigen self-test.” The relevant person in charge of Putuo District Central Hospital said that the patient Wear a mask during the whole process of the hospital, sit at intervals while waiting, maintain a safe social distance from others in line, obey the call, and see the doctor in order.

Description: “Digital Sentinel” device.

It is reported that, in order to cooperate with the orderly resumption of work, production and the market, and to effectively alleviate the difficulties of residents in seeing a doctor, public medical institutions in Putuo District will start from April 30. Full opening of routine outpatient services. Residents in the prevention area and volunteers in the closed control area can go to various hospitals and community health service centers for medical treatment or dispensing medicines with their pass and 48-hour nucleic acid negative certificate, and by making an appointment in advance. In order to ensure the health and safety of both doctors and patients, each medical institution regularly conducts multiple environmental disinfections every day, medical staff regularly conduct nucleic acid testing, and relevant clinics regularly conduct environmental sampling testing.

At the same time as offline medical treatment channels have resumed, the Internet hospitals of general hospitals in the district continue to provide online consultation and online follow-up dispensing for patients. The “online follow-up consultation and dispensing, offline self-collection” method was launched to solve the urgent needs of patients.

Correspondent Yi Wen Xinmin Evening News reporter Jiang Yuezhong