Gansu added local 15+219 yesterday

The information on the new crown pneumonia epidemic in Gansu Province from 0 to 24:00 on July 26 is now announced as follows:

Local epidemic situation:

July 26 From 0 to 24:00, 15 new confirmed cases in Gansu Province, including 5 in Lanzhou (4 in Chengguan District, 1 in Yuzhong County), 8 in Guanghe County in Linxia Prefecture, and Xiahe in Gannan Prefecture 2 cases in the county. There are 12 confirmed cases transferred from asymptomatic infections, including 2 cases in Lanzhou City (1 case in Chengguan District and 1 case in Yuzhong County), 8 cases in Guanghe County, Linxia Prefecture, and 2 cases in Xiahe County, Gannan Prefecture. 219 new asymptomatic infections, including 75 in Lanzhou (72 in Chengguan District, 2 in Qilihe District, and 1 in Yuzhong County), 105 in Linxia Prefecture (61 in Dongxiang County, 44 cases in Guanghe County), 39 cases in Gannan Prefecture (38 cases in Xiahe County, 1 case in Maqu County). Among the above confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections, 3 cases were found from social screening, all in Chengguan District, Lanzhou City (1 case in Caochang Street, Chengguan District, 1 case in Zhangye Road Street, Chengguan District, 1 case in Railway East Village Street, Chengguan District example). The trajectory information of newly confirmed cases and asymptomatic infections will be released by the relevant city (state) or county (city, district).

As of 24:00 on July 26, a total of 521 confirmed cases and 3,229 asymptomatic infections have been reported in this round of epidemic. 37 new patients were cured and discharged, and 59 asymptomatic infections were released from isolation. A total of 104 confirmed cases have been discharged from hospital, and 233 asymptomatic infections have been released from isolation. There are 417 confirmed cases and 2,996 asymptomatic infections, all of which are being treated in isolation or under medical observation in designated medical institutions.

Xinhua News Agency data pictures, pictures and texts are irrelevant

Overseas imported epidemic:

From 0 to 24:00 on July 26, there were no new confirmed cases or asymptomatic infections on the Russia-Lanzhou flight CA910, and 11 people were released from centralized isolation and medical observation. At present, a total of 309 people have been released from centralized isolation and medical observation on the flight; there are still 1 confirmed case and 1 asymptomatic infection who are hospitalized in designated provincial hospitals for isolation and treatment.

Source: Gansu Health Commission

Process Editor: TF016