Fu Yan Jie, really dirty

Poster design Yu Fei stretching is not only an essential part of exercise, but also an important exercise in life that can improve physical condition.

Stretching can not only activate the muscles in different parts and make the muscles of the body more flexible, but also increase the metabolism of the muscles and promote recovery.

Especially during home isolation, if you lie down or sit often, it is easy to cause muscle stiffness and poor blood flow. In this case, proper stretching can increase the body’s blood flow and improve Oxygen content helps the brain to be more energetic while breathing smoothly.

There are many ways to stretch, what kind of stretching is the best?

The American sports magazine “Outside” invited Gerard Hartman, a well-known physical therapist who has worked with more than 70 Olympic medalists, to share his 10 recommended exercises for elite Olympic athletes. stretch action.

Hartman was a former women’s marathon world record holder Paula Radcliffe’s “government” physical therapist, as well as helping the four-time Chicago Marathon champion former men’s marathon world record holder. The record holder is Khalid Hanoch.

Hartman has customized 10 stretches for elite runners to form a “perfect stretch.” This set of movements can not only help runners maintain flexibility and improve pace efficiency, but also play a role in maintaining health for ordinary people.

Gerard Hartman. Things to know before stretching

Before doing this 10-rep “perfect stretch,” Hartman recommends that every lifter keep in mind The following points:

First of all, this set of training will take 10 to 15 minutes, especially for people who have exercise habits, should stick to this set of training, Hartman will ask him all Athletes who work together should include this set of stretches in their training menus.

Secondly, it’s important to stretch in the order from 1 to 10.

This set of stretches is based on the natural progression from one muscle group to the next, so doing the stretches in sequence will have a more desirable effect on the body’s muscles.

Third, you should leave enough room to keep your body in the most comfortable position to help maximize each stretch.

Fourth, hold each stretch for 2 to 4 seconds, then return to the starting position, repeating 8 to 12 repetitions of each stretch. Repeated stretches increase the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to your muscles.

Finally, as you struggle with age, both runners and non-exercise people gradually lose flexibility, so regular stretching should be done to maintain flexibility , reduce sports injuries.

This set of stretches can be performed daily if time and space permit.

Action 1: One-leg pelvic tilting stretch

Stretching part : Low back and gluteus maximus

Movement essentials: First lie on your back, straighten your legs, bend your left knee and stretch it toward your chest by contracting the wide flexors and abdominal muscles , be careful to keep your hands behind your thighs to prevent stress on your knees.

Exercise 2: Hamstring stretch

Stretch: Hamstring p>

Movement essentials: Remain supine, straighten your legs, and use your quadriceps to slowly lift the stretched leg. You can use elastic bands to assist in stretching. It is important to note, however, that if you have a history of back injuries, you can flex the non-stretched leg to stabilize the spine.

Exercise 3: Hip Stretch

Stretch: Gluteus muscles (gluteus medius) , gluteus minimus, piriformis)

The essentials of action: keep supine, straighten your legs, bend your left knee at a 90-degree angle, place the elastic band in the middle of your foot, grab with the other hand Hold the band, hold your knee with your left hand to stabilize your thigh, contract your abs and hip adductors, and lift your knee toward your opposite shoulder.

Exercise 4: Adductor muscle group stretch (adductor longus)

Stretch part : Adductor muscle (adductor longus, adductor major), gracilis

Movement essentials: Keep supine position, straighten both legs,Wrap the band around the arch of the left foot, flatten the right foot inward, and lift the left leg to the side by contracting the outer thigh and buttock muscles, using the band to assist, extending outward.

Exercise 5: Compound Leg Stretch

Stretch: Rectus Femoris p>

Movement essentials: Begin to lie on the right side, place both knees in front of the chest, then grab the right knee from the outside with the right hand, grab the left ankle with the left hand, and stretch the left thigh by contracting the buttocks and hamstrings. Reaching back, you can use your hands to help press your heels into your buttocks as much as possible.

Action 6: Front Span Stretching

Stretching parts: rectus femoris, waist Muscles

Movement essentials: Begin by keeping one knee on the ground, placing the center of gravity on the left knee, moving forward and bending the right front leg, maintaining the stability of the pelvis and back by contracting the abdomen, when moving forward, Contract the buttocks and hamstrings so that the left foot is bent toward the buttocks, and when the flexibility permits, use one or both hands to bring the heels toward the buttocks to help stretch.

Exercise 7: Adductor group stretch (adductor brevis)

Stretch : pubic muscle, adductor brevis, proximal adductor

Movement essentials: Start sitting, feet together, contract the outside of the hips, open the thighs as much as possible, you can use the arms to help stretch .

Exercise 8: Glute push compound stretch

Stretch site: gastrocnemius, hamstrings

Movement essentials: At the beginning, sit in a sitting position, with both feet straight, wrap the elastic band around the forefoot of the left foot, and straighten the left leg by contracting the tibial muscle. Use the elastic band to pull the toes toward the chest. For a deeper stretch, lean your torso forward and lift your feet off the ground as you pull.

Exercise 9: Bend knee and calf stretch

Stretch part: Achilles tendon, soleus< /p>

Movement essentials: Start in a standing position and hold a chair for stability. Then bend your right knee and place your left foot behind your right calf to help extend your right leg. Note that this action can choose to hold the stretch for 8 to 10 seconds, and ensure that the heel is on the ground.

Exercise Ten: Small Lunge Stretch

Stretch: Gastrocnemius

< p> Action essentials: Lean on any support, straighten your right leg, heel to the ground, and maintain the stretch for 8 to 10 seconds. If you want to increase the stretch, place the front foot on a book or wooden block to achieve a deeper stretch .