From 7-11 on April 4, Hangzhou added 1 new case of asymptomatic infection of the new coronavirus

At 7-11 on April 4, Hangzhou added 1 new case of asymptomatic infection of the new coronavirus.

Asymptomatic infected person 2: current address is Linping Xiucaitang, Chongxian Village, Chongxian Street, District, is a close contact of the newly added asymptomatic infected person 1 on April 3. It was detected at a centralized isolation point. It has been closed-loop transferred to a designated hospital for isolation, and the situation is stable.

The public places within our city are as follows:

March 30-April 1 Every day: Shen’s Beef Soup (Da’an Village, Chongxian Street, Linping District), Tianjin Guantang Bao (Xucaitang, Chongxian Village, Chongxian Street, Linping District).

April 2: Tianjin Guantangbao (Xucaitang, Chongxian Village, Chongxian Street, Linping District).

April 3: Tianjin Guantang Bao (Xucaitang, Chongxian Village, Chongxian Street, Linping District), Braised Chicken Rice (Linping District) On the left of No. 165, Chongchao Road, Ping District), on Chongxian Street, Shangyi Square gathers Joe’s Billiards Club, Burger King, Baodao Glasses, public toilets opposite Chongxian Farmers Market, and toilets at Huafeng Road Subway Station of Metro Line 3.

For those who overlap with the above activity track in time and space, please Immediately report to the community (village) where you live, and cooperate with the implementation of corresponding epidemic control measures.

Information/City COVID-19 Prevention and Control Command