From 25 to 50 years old! The most complete Anti-Aging Guide, everyone should read it!

Q: “I’m only 30 years old, why do I have a wrinkled face, can’t climb stairs, stay up all night, and always feel like I will die suddenly?”

Answer: “Because you are aging prematurely!”

Ask: “What?”

Answer: “Anti-aging!”

Ask: “I’m still young and I’m a man, so I don’t have to think about it?”

Answer: “Don’t think so.”

Anti-aging not only makes you look younger than your peers, but also helps you get rid of fatigue, insomnia, anxiety and other unhealthy states.

It can also reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, etc. in the long term, and even prolong life [1].

Of course not! The accumulation of senescent cells can lead to various chronic diseases [2].

Even artificially adding senescent cells will accelerate the aging of experimental animals[2].

People, too.

Why aging?

The reasons are very complex. There have been more than 200 hypotheses[3], but each can only explain part of aging.

Simply put, the most common external cause of aging is sun exposure (ultraviolet rays), which causes DNA damage and inflammatory processes in the body, mainly causing skin aging.

Internal factors, mainly genetic, endocrine and other factors[4]. From the moment of birth, people begin to age slowly.

The immortality technique that Qin Shi Huang pursued does not exist, because we cannot change our innate genes.

So, any skin care product that claims to “alter genes” is an IQ tax.

However, there are ways to delay aging caused by external factors.

Two ways: changing living habits and professional medical and aesthetic methods.

Let’s talk about 3 good habits in life.

1. Can eat

The most important thing is to quit or eat less of 2 types of food.

Category 1: Pan-fried, fried, snack, smoked, pickled, and over-processed foods.

These foods contain large amounts of glycation end products (AGEs), which are the direct killers of wrinkles, sagging skin, roughness, dull yellowing [5].

The second category: Foods with high GI (glycemic index), such as milk tea, cookies, cakes, ice cream, barbecue, etc., are best at causing the “glycation reaction” “.

To sum up, what you can’t eat is what you like to eat right now

Will you starve to death?

Of course not!

Because there are also many foods to eat, such as variousdark green vegetables and various fruits.

Doesn’t make you a vegetarian. Whole grains, unsweetened yogurt, soy products, whole grains, most seafood, etc., are all acceptable.

Meat, eggs and milk can also be eaten, but pay attention to the method.

Steaming, boiling, stewing is so much better than frying, roasting, and frying! [5] Because the higher the temperature and the longer the cooking time, the more AGEs.

Cutting meat with lemon juice reduces AGEs production.

2. Sun protection

Very important! And regardless of gender, regardless of age!

Look at a photo first.

(Source: Internet)

This is a 69-year-old British truck driver who has been driving for 28 years. The left side of the face is exposed to the sun longer than the right side, and the photoaging condition is more serious. This skin condition is medically recognized It has a scary name on it – orange peel-like appearance.

UV rays are the skin’s worst enemy. Pigment (age spots, pigmentation, sunburn, etc.), sagging skin, wrinkles, red blood, and sensitive skin are all related to ultraviolet rays [6], which is what we often hear as “photoaging”.

Sunscreen can prevent many skin problems.

But I’m not advising everyone to “die in the light”, a daily SPF 30 sunscreen is enough to protect against sun damage.

If you want to exercise outdoors for a long time, or go to the beach or high altitude to play, you should use sunscreen with SPF50, and wear a sun hat, umbrella and sunscreen mask[7].

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

3. Healthy Lifestyle

Never smoke, drink less, work less overtime, don’t stay up late, clean up at home, keep a happy mood, etc., can fight “free radicals” in the body. It is the biggest endogenous factor of aging, which will make cells lose their original vitality.

Free radicals will continue to be produced as long as a person is alive. When you are young, free radicals will be dealt with in time, but when you are older, there will be more stress and bad habits, and a large number of free radicals will not be removed in time, which will cause skin aging, leading to eczema, dermatitis and even skin tumors [8].

See ingredients.

Oxidation, glycation and photodamage are the “Three Musketeers of Aging”.

The ingredients of anti-aging products are mainly anti-oxidant and anti-sugar.

If the product you buy has the following 4 types of ingredients, it basically has anti-aging effects more or less[9-14].

Age is just a number, physical condition is the criterion for “young”.

I just want to say: “It’s not too late.”

However, different age groups have different medical beauty items.

Before 25

Not many skin problems, but acne, dehydrated skin, dark spots and large pores are annoying.

1.Dehydration of the skin: 1-3 months for a hydrotherapy injection.

2.Acne: All kinds of acne skin care products have little effect. You can choose intense pulsed light or fruit acid peeling.

3. Stain: In addition to strict sun protection, you can also choose intense pulsed light, Q-switched or picosecond laser.

4.Large pores: water light acupuncture, fruit acid peeling, gold radio frequency micro-needling, intense pulsed light, radio frequency lattice, etc. Also say no to sweets!

26-35 years old

After the age of 25, the collagen content in the skin will decrease year by year[15], and it begins to enter the state of early aging, with fine lines, pigmentation, dark circles, and acne scarring. Under the acne marks, acne pits.

1.Wrinkles: Laugh lines at the corners of the eyes, frown lines between the eyebrows, forehead lines, etc. You can try intense pulsed light, non-ablative fractional laser, etc. Botox can reduce dynamic lines.

2.Acne pits: It is an irreversible skin problem. Only intense pulsed light (for acne marks), fractional laser, gold radio frequency microneedling, Ion beam (for acne pits) improvement.

3.Dark spots and dark circles: Intense pulsed light, Q-switched laser, and picosecond laser can lighten freckles and rejuvenate the skin. Skin care products should use whitening and anti-oxidant.


After the age of 35, the most exposed age are various static lines, such as tear grooves, nasolabial grooves, and puppet lines.

At age 40, collagen is less than half of that at age 18[15], resulting in wrinkles and saggy skin. You can do water light acupuncture, ultra-picoseconds, etc. on a regular basis.

Thermage, Fractional Laser, and Gold RF Micro-Needling have better lifting and firming effects.

If the facial sagging is obvious, you can also cooperate with facial wrinkle surgery, which is often referred to as facelift surgery.

Thin people can use hyaluronic acid or autologous fat filling to plump up the sunken face.


Skin laxity is more visible.

If you want to return to youthful skin overnight, you may have to use a major surgery such as a facelift.

If you don’t want to use a knife, you can ask your doctor to combine the aforementioned items. For example, Thermage alternates with buried thread.

The last thing I want to say is: No one can stay young forever, aging is a normal process.

The best way to fight aging is to keep yourself young. This is the moment, let’s put your phone down and stand tall!

Image source: Zhanku Hailuo

Contributing Author: Zhao Hui| Attending Physician, Department of Plastic Surgery, The Third Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University

Reviewer: Feng Yongqiang|Deputy Chief Physician, Laser Beauty Center, Plastic Surgery Hospital, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences


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[9]Chaowattanapanit, Suteeraporn, et al. “Postinflammatory hyperpigmentation: A comprehensive overview: Treatment options and prevention.” Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology 77.4 (2017): 607-621.

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[15]Kafi, Reza, et al. “Improvement of naturally aged skin with vitamin A (retinol).” Archives of dermatology 143.5 (2007): 606-612.

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