From 0 to 24:00 on May 17, Guang’an City reported 48 new local confirmed cases

Original title: From 0 to 24:00 on May 17, Guang’an City reported 48 new local confirmed cases

Sichuan News Net – First Screen News Guang’an, May 18 (Reporter You Wuqiong) On May 18, the reporter learned from the Guang’an Municipal Health Commission that from 0 to 24:00 on May 17, Guang’an reported a new There are 48 local confirmed cases (all in Linshui County), of which: 1 case is a previously reported asymptomatic infection transferred to the diagnosis. There were 148 new local asymptomatic infections (147 in Linshui County and 1 in Guang’an District). There are no new confirmed cases imported from abroad, no new cases of asymptomatic infections imported from abroad, and no new deaths.

As of 24:00 on May 17th, there are 3 medium-risk areas in Guang’an City, namely Kangjia Community, Dingping Town, Linshui County, and Group 11 in Yansheng Village, Dingping Town, Linshui County (Group 1 in Yuantuya Village) , Unit 2, Building U, Hengyuan East District, Dingping Town, Linshui County. The rest of the regions are low-risk regions.

Please pay close attention to the authoritative information released by the public, do not believe, spread or spread rumors, strengthen self-protection, wear masks, wash hands frequently, and avoid gatherings, actively cooperate with various epidemic prevention and control work, and actively vaccinate The new crown virus vaccine, jointly build a barrier for epidemic prevention and control.

(You Wuqiong)