Fresh kapok can also be eaten, so it can dispel dampness and break the spring sleepiness. Pick up a few flowers on the way to get off work and make them tonight!

Text/Yangcheng Evening News All Media Reporter Chen Hui Correspondent Liu Qingjun

Photo/Visual China

Annual Kapok Open as scheduled, the city is full of red and it is really beautiful! What followed was the red sprinkles all over the floor, which made people sigh: What a pity! Many Lao Guang like to collect kapok and make soup after drying. Today we recommend a medicinal diet recipe made with fresh kapok.

Professor Huang Zhongwei from the Department of Ophthalmology of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine often recommends the use of kapok to patients with eye diseases. The medicinal properties of kapok are mild and slightly astringent, which can strengthen the spleen and remove dampness, clear heat and detoxify, cool blood and activate blood. Can be medicine, edible, can be tea.

Traditional Chinese medicine ophthalmology “five rounds theory” believes that the eyelid, eyelid, eyelid conjunctiva belong to the spleen and stomach, the spleen and stomach like dryness and hate dampness, so various eyelid skin, eyelid, conjunctiva diseases are often related to dampness, heat, wind , The dialectical treatment can use the law of dehumidification, heat-clearing and expelling wind, and kapok can come in handy at this time.

For external eye diseases such as stye, chalazion, allergy-related conjunctivitis, eyelid dermatitis, etc., the Kapok diet is more suitable. However, due to the cold nature of kapok, it also promotes blood circulation and cools blood, and the body is deficient and cold, especially for pregnant women.

[Fresh kapok for meal]

Fresh kapok and crucian carp soup: 5-10 fresh kapok, 3 grams of dried tangerine peel, several slices of ginger, 30 grams of eyebrow beans, 30 grams of barley , Gorgon 30 grams, fry a crucian carp until golden brown, cook soup, the above is two to three people. It can dispel dampness and strengthen the spleen. It is suitable for people who are sleepy and lethargic between spring and summer, have pale tongue or dark red and thick white fur or yellow greasy fur.

[Dried kapok for meal]

Dehumidification porridge: 10 grams of dried kapok, 10 grams of tuckahoe (the above two medicines are cooked separately in a cloth bag) bag), 1 gram of dried tangerine peel, 15 grams of barley, 10 grams of lentils, 10 grams of red bean, and 20 grams of rice.