Four antihypertensive drugs can’t control blood pressure, skin bark-like changes all over the body! What’s at fault? | World Hypertension Day

“It seems that many people have found nodules now, and several colleagues in our company have found nodules.”

“If a thyroid nodule is found in the physical examination, should I cut it? Scary!”

“The doctor clearly said that this nodule is fine, why is it suddenly malignant?”…

With the improvement of people’s health awareness, the popularity rate of physical examination is also rising. The accuracy of the physical examination items has led to the discovery of many “small problems” that were easily overlooked in the past. More and more people are prompted to have lung nodules, thyroid nodules, breast nodules, etc. in the physical examination, which brings tension and anxiety at the same time. , I am afraid of cancerous nodules, but I don’t know how to eliminate them.

Today, Xiao Ai will tell you in detail about the treatment of various nodules.

I. If a nodule is detected by physical examination, will it become malignant?

A nodule is an imaging description: a 3 cm or less, round-like, abnormal component that differs from healthy lung tissue. According to the size classification, nodules can be divided into micronodules (diameter < 5 mm), small nodules (diameter 5-10 mm), nodules (diameter 10-30 mm).

Nowadays, many people have nodules detected by physical examination, and the occurrence of nodules is mainly due to low immunity and easy infection, long-term exposure to dust, oil fume, radiation and other polluted environments, long-term intake of irritating foods, etc. related.

Everyone will be nervous and worried when they see the small nodules and small cysts on the medical report. Generally speaking, if a small nodule and a small cyst are found in the physical examination, if it is relatively small and benign, you don’t need to be too nervous, follow the doctor’s advice, and do regular review, but if the nodule is abnormal, you need to pay attention.

1. Pulmonary nodules

Professor Zhao Shijun of Peking Union Medical College pointed out that pulmonary nodules can be caused by many reasons. Nodules can be either benign or malignant. Data show that more than 90% of pulmonary nodules are benign, and only 1.2% are truly malignant. So how to distinguish benign from malignant?

Studies have shown that most of the pure ground glass nodules with a diameter of less than 5mm are benign, and the incidence of pure ground glass nodules with a diameter of more than 10mm and less than 20mm in invasive lung cancer is about 12%. The larger the diameter of the mixed ground glass nodule, the more solid components it has, the higher the possibility and degree of malignancy.

Therefore, the pulmonary ground-glass nodules found for the first time require close follow-up and timely evaluation by specialists.

In addition, Chang Wenju, Deputy Chief Physician of the General Surgery Department of Fudan Zhongshan Xiamen Hospital said that not all suspicious nodules need immediate surgery, but the development should be reviewed regularly. Generally, solid nodules suspected of lung cancer have a high degree of malignancy and a rapid growth rate, so they need to receive standardized treatment as soon as possible. Ground-glass nodules are relatively inert and can be followed up for regular follow-up observation, and elective surgery can be performed if necessary.

2. Thyroid nodules

Although the diagnosis rate of thyroid nodules is increasing High, but most thyroid nodules are benign lesions, including nodular goiter, thyroid adenoma, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, glial cysts in the thyroid, etc.; while malignant nodules are thyroid cancer, of which more than 90% are Papillary thyroid carcinoma.

Benign thyroid nodules generally have no significant impact on human health. Regular observation is recommended, and immediate surgery is not required. Surgical treatment is recommended only if it has a large impact on the appearance.

It should be noted that the size of thyroid nodules is not the only criterion for judging benign and malignant thyroid nodules. If the following characteristics are present on the examination at the same time, it is necessary to be highly vigilant for malignant transformation:

①hypoechoic lesions;

②nodules with unclear borders, Irregular shape;

③ misaligned aspect ratio (like an erect egg, taller than wide);

④ knot Multiple gritty calcifications in the nodes.

For the above highly suspected malignant thyroid nodules, ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology should be performed to make a pathological diagnosis and make a diagnosis of the nodule. The final diagnosis is followed by rational treatment options.

3. Breast nodules

Most breast nodules are benign, including breast Hyperplasia, breast cysts, breast fibroadenomas, etc. But we still cannot ignore the possibility of its malignancy, especially the small nodules that are neither painful nor itchy. Currently in breast B ultrasound reports, the most commonly used BI-RADS grading assessment. This is the most commonly used method for evaluating benign and malignant breast nodules.

Breast nodules with BI-RADS assessment of grade 2 and below are generally benign lesions and can be reviewed once a year; nodules with grade 3 can be reviewed every 3 to 6 months Once the nodule changes are observed, if the nodule increases significantly or the grade increases within a short period of time, be vigilant;If the nodule grade is 4 or above, further examination is required, and if necessary, a needle biopsy is performed to clarify the nature.

In addition, there will be a detailed description of the nodules in the color Doppler ultrasound report. Among them, oval or round nodules with clear and smooth borders and no blood flow signals are mostly benign. For those with longitudinal growth, irregular shape, unclear edge, punctate calcification inside, and abundant blood flow signals, we should be alert to the possibility of malignant lesions.

Second, if I have nodules, which ones can be eaten and which ones cannot?

Most benign nodules do not need special treatment, so how to take care of them in daily life to prevent further deterioration? Zhang Xiaojun, Chief Physician of the First Department of Surgery, Xiyuan Hospital, Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences said that nodules are more popular for people with chronic diseases such as obesity and diabetes. Irregular diet and eating too much oil will affect the endocrine system. A balanced diet is an important measure to prevent the further development of nodules.

About a healthy diet, some people think that “fat” is an “accelerator” for nodules, so the most important thing is to eat less “fat”. In fact, to sum up, hair products can be considered to have tonic, warming, and diffusing effects, which can cause dry mouth, oral ulcers, swollen gums, constipation and other “hot” symptoms, or aggravate sores, tumors and other surgical procedures. Disease, a general term for a class of foods that have epidemiological infectious diseases and relapse allergic diseases or chronic diseases.

According to past research, there are indeed instances in which people with nodules are not suitable to eat certain “hair items”. Common ones are seafood, etc. Because high-purine foods are easy to cause nodules in the body. Another example is irritating food, such as hot pot, Mala Tang, etc. These foods not only have certain damage to the human body’s stomach, but also the sesame oil commonly used in hot pot and Mala Tang is very irritating , may increase the growth of thyroid nodules and lung nodules.

Although it is necessary for patients with nodules to have appropriate dietary restrictions, it is not advisable to over-believe in the existence of hairs and lead to the expansion of dietary restrictions. The “taboo” is not absolute, but relative according to one’s own constitution. Only by eating right and maintaining a good nutritional status can you recover faster and better.

Therefore, whether patients with nodules can eat “fat food” depends on the differences and particularities of individual physiques.

All in all, although there is nothing absolutely unacceptable for patients with nodules, they need a reasonable and balanced diet. Daily attention should be paid to the freshness and variety of ingredients, try to mix meat and vegetables as much as possible, eat more nourishing and dispelling foods, avoid fatty, spicy, irritating, too single, hot foods, and avoid pickling, mildew, For fried foods, you can eat more foods rich in vitamins and trace elements according to your constitution, and you can eat more “green foods” that have anti-cancer, anti-oxidation, and immunity-enhancing properties.

In addition, it is very important to prevent the development and further changes of nodules by eating as little or even no bad things as much as possible. Try not to touch the following 3 types of food nodules:

1. High iodine food

Eating a lot of high iodine food will increase the thyroid follicle cells Injury and antibody production, aggravate the destruction of thyroid cells; in addition, the intake of iodine will also increase the synthesis of thyroid hormones, aggravating the symptoms of hyperthyroidism. Therefore, if it is hyperthyroidism with nodules, or a high-functioning adenoma that can secrete thyroid hormones, it is necessary to strictly avoid iodine diet, eat non-iodized salt, and fast kelp, seaweed, sea fish and other seafood. If Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is associated with nodules or nonfunctioning nodules, there is no need to strictly avoid iodine.

2. Greasy food

Fried food contains a lot of harmful substances, and frequent eating will bring a serious burden to the lungs. Foods with too high fat content are difficult to be digested and absorbed by the gastrointestinal tract, and may also increase blood pressure, which can easily aggravate the disease. Therefore, people who suffer from nodules themselves should eat less.

3. Foods high in estrogen

For example, broccoli is rich in vitamins and dietary fiber, but also contains thiocyanate. After this ingredient is ingested into the body, it is easy to stimulate the body to secrete hormones, which leads to excessive hormones in the body, resulting in the growth of nodules, especially breast nodules.

In short, the vast majority of nodules are benign in clinical practice. As long as you do a good job of conditioning in the later stage, develop good eating habits, mix meat and vegetables, and maintain a good attitude, the possibility of nodules getting worse is actually very small.


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