Forty-year-old driver suffers cerebral infarction

Mr. Niu (pseudonym) in his 40s is a taxi driver who travels back and forth in the city every day. Because of work, Mr. Niu sits for more than ten hours a day. In addition, he does not like to exercise, and he likes to drink when he is not working, which made him develop high blood pressure and diabetes early. Fortunately, he was treated in time at the stroke center of Zhuzhou Kaide Hospital.

Recently, Mr. Niu felt dizzy after getting up early in the morning, and his hands and feet became numb afterwards. After resting, the symptoms were relieved. Mr. Shi Niu suddenly had slurred speech and weakness in his left limb. He was sent to the Stroke Center of Zhuzhou Kaide Hospital in the emergency department.

Zhang Xianghui, director of the Stroke Center of Zhuzhou Kaide Hospital, and his team consulted Mr. Niu. After the consultation, he learned that Mr. Niu had a history of hypertension and diabetes for many years. The blood pressure was as high as 160/100mmHg. treat. Director Zhang Xianghui’s team arranged cerebral angiography and other examinations for the emergency department. The results showed that acute cerebral thrombosis was caused by arteriosclerosis of the right internal carotid artery with severe stenosis and subtotal occlusion.

It is understood that the carotid artery is the “main artery” that supplies blood to the brain. There is one on each side of the neck, but these two “highways” are the blood vessels most prone to stenosis in the whole body. one. Once blocked, it will cause acute thrombosis of severe cerebral blood vessels, hemiplegia, coma, and even life-threatening situations. In this regard, Zhang Xianghui’s team combined with Mr. Niu’s condition and formulated a surgical plan for him, namely balloon expansion and stent placement of the C6 segment of the right internal carotid artery. After the operation, Mr. Niu recovered well after the operation.

Director Zhang Xianghui said that the reason for the high incidence of cerebral infarction in drivers is that, first, because of prolonged sitting, the driver’s seat has little room for movement, which is not conducive to the blood circulation of the whole body, resulting in blood stasis, The flow slows down, which weakens the function of the blood vessels, and finally leads to narrowing of the blood vessels, thick blood, and cerebral thrombosis. High-salt foods are prone to excessive blood lipids, increased blood viscosity, rough blood vessels, and atherosclerosis. Therefore, he suggested that it is very important to attach importance to the prevention of cerebrovascular diseases, actively regulate blood pressure, blood sugar, blood lipids, quit smoking and drinking, sit for a while, and develop healthy living habits; , cranial magnetic resonance examination and other physical examination censuses can greatly screen out many high-risk groups of possible strokes, and then through diet adjustment, changes in living and working habits, drugs and surgical interventions, and other measures, actively solve the high-risk factors that cause stroke, and finally To achieve the prevention of acute stroke events. (Correspondent/Jieyu Li)