“Forbearance is over”? World Digestive Health Day: Gastrointestinal health cannot be ignored!

When the seasons change between spring and summer, in addition to fever and flu, the safety and health of the intestines are more worthy of attention. .

May 29th is World Digestive Health Day ( World Digestive Health Day), also known as “World Gut Health Day”; proposed by the World Gastroenterology Organization (WGO) in 2005 to Remind people to pay attention to gastrointestinal health.

(Picture: Wikipedia)Potential types of cancer in the upper gastrointestinal tract include: esophagus, stomach, small bowel , pancreatic cancer, bile duct cancer, liver cancer, etc.; the types of cancers that may exist in the lower gastrointestinal tract include colon cancer, rectal cancer, and anal cancer. How to effectively detect these gastrointestinal cancers? Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust The Royal Marsden Hospital will use enhanced helical CT, MRI, PET/CT Scanning, endoscopic ultrasonography (EUS), endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) and other methods for accurate staging. Cancer has become the leading cause of death in China, according to the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 1 in 4 deaths in 2018 from cancer, worldwide, China has the highest incidence and deaths from liver, esophageal and gastric cancers, reaching 1.21 million newly diagnosed cases in 2020, two-thirds of the world’s total cases. Colorectal cancer rates in China are rising rapidly, and strong>Patients are getting younger and younger, accounting for more than 40% of the world’s incidence in 2020. China now has a heavy burden of gastrointestinal cancer, with not only a large number of patients, but also a higher incidence rate than the world average.

Healthy Diet

Good Habits

A variety of epidemiological data have clearly shown that unhealthy diet and lifestyle habits are the greatest risk factors for cancer,and accounting for 35-50% of all cancer and cancer-related deaths. G(Picture: BMJ)Published in the top journal in the field of gastroenterology, “astro” In a study above, scientists from Harvard University looked at follow-up data from more than 27,000 Chinese between 1991 and 2011 to analyze the contribution of dietary and lifestyle risk factors to gastrointestinal cancers (GI): Smoking, high intake of red meat, low intake of fruits and vegetables, obesity and alcohol consumption are the top risk factors for gastrointestinal cancer in China.

UKexperts tell you, How to eat healthy?

The doctors at Royal Marsden Hospital gave professional advice on how to eat to be healthy~ [Recommended protein intake]Meat, fish, eggs, tofu, soy products, legumes (beans and lentils), nuts, etc. These foods are all good sources of supplemental protein, especially for tissue growth, muscle strength, and wound healing. [Recommended dairy product intake]Cheese, milk, yogurt, whipped cream, soy milk, soy milk, etc., are rich in protein, fat and vitamins and minerals. [Vitamin intake recommendation]Fruits and vegetables are good sources of vitamins and minerals, which can help the body supplement vitamin C and vitamin A, etc. , which cellulose can also promote human metabolism. [Recommended drink intake]It is recommended to consume 8-10 glasses of water a day. If you have a lack of appetite, you can choose nutritional supplements Fruit juices, nutritional drinks, etc. For the original link, please view:https://www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/your-care/living- and-beyond-cancer/eating-well

from the official website of Royal Marshall (the above pictures and information are from the Royal Marden) In the scientific research mentioned above, scientists also found that changes in the lifestyle of young people also need special attention. Smoking, alcoholism, staying up late, etc. may all cause digestive tract diseases. reason. Many people work from home during the epidemic. A YouGov social survey published by the Daily Mail found that 71% of people would still like to work from home even as the pandemic flattens; Unhealthy lifestyles such as exercise. (Picture: Evening Standard)

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Stomach cancer: late stage?

latest, 35 The news of the year-old million-year-old big V@Mint Jiang Xiao Q’s stomach cancer is swiping on social media; after trying his best to treat, Xiao Q’s words can only see despair and loss. (Picture: Sina Weibo) Stage 4 gastric cancer is already an advanced stage of gastric cancer. According to the official website of the Royal Marsden Hospital, Stomach cancer begins with the uncontrolled growth of cells in the stomach and can form anywhere in the stomach, but most commonly affects the lining of the stomach;It can also start in the stomach lining (gastrointestinal stromal tumor – GIST), immune system cells in the stomach (non-Hodgkin lymphoma), and hormone cells in the stomach (neuroendocrine cancer). Unfortunately,the symptoms of early gastric cancer tend to be mild at best, so the average patient is told they have stage three or four of gastric cancer; It can take years for stomach cancer to develop because it tends to be a slow-growing cancer. (Picture: China Biotechnology Network)If there is a Royal Marsden suggestion, The following symptoms need to be alert!

Stomach cancer warning signs:

#abnormal satiety

When you finish a meal or even a snack, you will feel very full and uncomfortable< /span>


< span>Frequent hiccups after eating

#heartburn or acid reflux< /span>

A persistent burning sensation in the chest, possibly caused by increased stomach acid, along with a cough, hoarseness, and bad breath

#stomach pain

Persistent pain in the upper abdomen, usually above the navel or behind the breastbone

Signs of advanced gastric cancer:

Advanced gastric cancer means that cancer cells have spread to other sites.

#weight loss

Unexplained or inexplicable significant weight loss, loss of appetite


Bleeding can occur in both early and advanced cancers, and over time, cancer cells can cause Anemia–decreased number of red blood cells; if frequent bloody stools are found, and stools are dark or black

#vomiting, discomfort

If you feel very tired, uncomfortable or vomit frequently, it may be a sign of early and advanced gastric cancer< /span>


< span>Stomach cancer can cause difficulty swallowing when a tumor blocks or narrows the food pipe (esophagus), which can also be a sign of esophageal or head and neck cancer span>


skin and Yellowing eyes, which may indicate cancer has spread to the liver

#itchy skin,color of urine Deep, etc.

If you have the above symptoms, please promptly Seek help from a doctor!

Unappreciated signs of disease

According to Xinhua News Agency, a member of the Standing Committee of the Gastroenterology Branch of the Chinese Medical Association, the vice president of the Gastroenterology Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Professor Li Jingnan, deputy director of the Department of Gastroenterology, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, said:“Early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment are the only way to prevent and control digestive tract diseases; however, in daily life, people often Digestive system diseases are too contemptible, and I always feel that it is not that serious, and ‘tolerance will pass’.”The Royal Marsden Gastrointestinal (GI) Consultant Dr Naureen Starling, medical oncologist, said that there are more than 42,000 new cases of bowel cancer in the UK each year, and the most common symptom is a change in bowel habits, which includes increased constipation, alternating episodes of constipation and diarrhoea, and rectal bleeding. Wait. (Photo: The Royal Marsden Hospital)If the cancer or tumor is located in the rectum, patients may often wonder Going to the toilet with abdominal pain or discomfort; regular listlessness or tiredness may also be a sign of intestinal blood loss. The Royal Marsden Hospital’s gastric cancer treatment team provides comprehensive care, including endoscopic mucosal resection (EMR/ESD), which uses an endoscope to remove the stomach An abnormal area of ​​the inner lining.If the cancer has not spread or has spread far enough, the Royal Marsden team will treat the cancer with surgery.< strong>Surgery involves the removal of part or all of the stomach, and may also remove nearby lymph nodes and part of the esophagus, depending on the extent of the cancer’s spread. Removing some organs can help reduce the risk of cancer recurrence.Royal Marsden Hospital will use chemotherapy to kill or control cancer cells, while other radiation therapy and targeted drugs increase effectiveness .

Prognosis and Early Treatment< /p>

From occasional stomach pain and constipation to life-threatening cancer, these conditions require prognosis and early treatment.< /strong>The current research areas of the Royal Marsden Hospital include: preoperative chemotherapy and radiotherapy for rectal cancer, and preoperative chemotherapy for esophageal cancer ;Hospital experts are also working on new drugs targeting cancer-specific pathways in advanced colorectal, gastric and pancreatic cancers. The GI research team consists of medical oncologists, clinical oncologists, upper and lower gastrointestinal surgeons, gastroenterologists and specialist nurses who believe in improving the standard of cancer care and Improving outcomes for patients with gastrointestinal cancer critical. Accurate etiological inquiry and appropriate medicine are the core of cancer treatment,Royal Marsden Hospital provides a number of examination items including CT, MRI, and endoscopic ultrasonography for patients with upper gastrointestinal cancer. For lower gastrointestinal cancers such as colon, rectal and anal cancer, endoscopy and scanning are used to diagnose and Staging, patients with anal cancer are usually treated with chemotherapy and radiation therapy.

(Photo: Royal Marsden Hospital)

If you have physical discomfort, such as abnormal symptoms in gynecology, andrology, stomach, skin, etc., and want to know about tumor genetic testing, early screening, or other cancers For related concerns or doubts, I suggest that friends should go to the hospital and NHS for consultation as soon as possible.

Those in the UK or planning to travel to the UK should also considerRoyal Marsden Hospital The private medical department of can relieve the anxiety and anxiety caused by their own worries as quickly as possible. Once problems are found, they can quickly conduct investigation, diagnosis and treatment.

Cancer is a very complex disease that requires optimal diagnosis and treatment and careful follow-up observations. The Royal Marsden Hospital has 2500 cancer specialists ready to help patients through every step of this difficult journey. Currently, the Royal Marsden Hospital has hundreds of Chinese patients with various types of cancer for treatment, including lung cancer, breast cancer, and gastric cancer with the highest incidence rates, as well as the most common cancers. Rare cancers such as sarcomas. In the post-pandemic era, Royal Marsden Hospital has also introduced strict protective measures strong>To protect the safety of patients and medical staff. The hospital also provides free COVID-19 vaccine services for registered international patients to protect the health of patients.

If you need to inquire about cancer diagnosis, treatment, remote consultation or gene sequencing in the UK——< /span>

For enquiries, please call0207811 8690Email:[email protected]or add Chinese Staff WeChatbeckybaorh

More Royal Marsden related contentClick the text below to learn more copy this link to browser to viewPatient stories https://www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/patientstoriesCNClick at the end of the article “Read the original text” viewChinese official website

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