For people with heavy dampness, check whether your spleen dampness or phlegm dampness! Two conditioning prescriptions are recommended, and symptomatic treatment is only effective

Many people are confused:

What is the difference between spleen dampness and phlegm dampness?

Summarize in one sentence: Spleen deficiency causes spleen dampness, and spleen dampness causes phlegm dampness.

This is a bit confusing, how do you understand it? Details are described below.

Spleen deficiency → spleen dampness

The spleen is characterized by “like dryness and dislike dampness”. The metabolized water and some wastes are transferred to the lungs and kidneys. Through the gasification of the lungs and kidneys, they are converted into sweat and urine and excreted from the body to maintain the coordination and balance of water and fluid metabolism in the human body.

But if the spleen is deficient and the movement and transformation are weak, it will be bad.

In this way, the excess water cannot be excreted from the body, and slowly turns into moisture, which in turn blocks the spleen and stomach, making the transport and transformation function of the spleen and stomach worse. The spleen is located in the middle energizer, so this situation is called “dampness blocking the middle energizer” in Chinese medicine, which is also “spleen dampness”.

Symptoms of spleen dampness include: Indigestion, loss of appetite, abdominal distension, and loose stools. In addition, it is also prone to fatigue and fatigue, shortness of breath and lazy words.

How to treat it? Of course, it is to invigorate the spleen and remove dampness.

There is a well-known therapeutic formula in traditional Chinese medicine. I have talked about it many times. It is Bazhen Cake, which is specially used to regulate this series of problems.

It has 6 kinds of basic materials, namely: Chinese yam, Poria, Gorgon, lotus seeds, white lentils, and barley.

The other two materials have two versions, one version is Codonopsis (or ginseng) and Atractylodes, which are used to strengthen the body and are for the middle-aged and elderly people who are weak , the “Qing Palace Bazhen Cake” eaten by Qianlong and Cixi is this kind.

The second version is hawthorn and malt. This is the original recipe of Chen Shigong, the founder of Bazhen Cake. .

Modern people have good living conditions and eat a lot of fat, sweet and rich flavors, and it is easy to accumulate food and not digest them. It is generally recommended to use hawthorn and malt.

These ingredients may seem unremarkable, but when combined together, they are a wonderful way to regulate the spleen and stomach. Among them, yam, lotus seed, and gorgon are all good for the spleen and stomach; Poria, barley, and white lentils all have the effect of dispelling dampness; together with hawthorn and malt, they are used for digestion and accumulation, and are specially used to treat various symptoms of spleen deficiency and heavy dampness. .

The practice is also very simple, each of the above eight ingredients is 60 grams, plus 125 grams of japonica rice noodles, all Grind to fine powder, add 250 grams of sugar and mix well, spread it in a steamer, steam until cooked, cut into cubes, and serve immediately. Eating soft, thick, sweet and delicious.

If you don’t want to do it yourself, put a finished product below for your reference↓

Spleen dampness→phlegm dampness

Phlegm dampness is a kind of constitution, how is it formed Woolen cloth? It is related to spleen dampness.

After the spleen is damp, the dampness stops in the body, and over time, it will accumulate dampness into phlegm, which is what we call “phlegm dampness”.

So Chinese medicine says that the spleen is the source of phlegm.

So, where is the most obvious reaction after phlegm-dampness?

The answer is lungs. Because “the lung is the device for storing phlegm”.

Thus, people with phlegm-dampness constitution will have an uncomfortable throat first.

I always feel that there is phlegm in my throat and I can’t finish coughing up phlegm, so I keep clearing my throat and coughing. The symptoms are a bit like chronic pharyngitis.

Secondly, the body shape will be fatter, especially the protruding small belly. Do you think the belly is full of fat? In fact, there is still a lot of accumulation of phlegm.

In addition, some people feel chest tightness and body drowsiness.

How to regulate this phlegm-dampness?

First of all, it is from the root cause – spleen deficiency and spleen dampness conditioning, the idea is to strengthen the spleen and remove dampness. Barley, wax gourd, red bean, etc., eat less fat, sweet and thick-flavored and cold drinks.

Secondly, it is the most important thing to remove dampness and phlegm, especially for those with a sore throat.

There are many traditional Chinese medicines for drying dampness and resolving phlegm. According to my experience, I would like to share with you one of the ingredients in particular—reducing tangerine red.

This thing is most familiar to Cantonese people, because orange red is everywhere, but only the orange red in Huazhou, Guangdong, has been listed in the Chinese Pharmacopoeia and is now a national geographical indication product.


What is the purpose of turning orange and red? It is to dry dampness and resolve phlegm, and regulate qi and relax!

For example, if you often cough at night, Or during the day with cough, excessive phlegm, and white phlegm, it is really useful to drink with orange red water.

“Compendium of Materia Medica” records: “Orange red is a good product, and its flesh contains The difference between red and white is twice as effective as other medicines for invigorating qi, resolving phlegm, and relieving cough. The more effective it is, the better. “So it has another nickname – Chinese cough treasure!

In addition, there is a familiar thing – kumquat, used for medicinal purposes When it enters the lung and gallbladder meridians, it has the functions of regulating qi, relieving depression, relieving cough and resolving phlegm.

This is not just a theory, I have personal experience.I am a little spleen deficiency, and because of smoking, My throat has been uncomfortable. I am clearing my throat at any time. I feel that there is phlegm in my throat. , so I am familiar with the tonic manufacturers. In the past two months, Fudonghai in Guangdong sent me a few cans of orange-red kumquat paste, asking me to try it.

It was in the afternoon when I received it, and I immediately drank a cup and went to work after drinking it. I forgot about it.When I was about to get off work, my colleague across from me said , Hey, you don’t seem to have a cough this afternoon. I suddenly remembered that it seems to be a lot better. After drinking it, my throat is moist and I don’t have that dry itchy feeling anymore.

But when I forget to drink later, I will cough again. I have another drink, and I can manage it for a few hours.

So how to say it, let’s be honest, if you smoke like me, you have pharyngitis, unless you quit smoking , otherwise this orange redness cannot be cured, it can only be relieved at the time.

But I think it is already very good. Drinking a cup in the morning and a cup in the afternoon can basically be comfortable for the whole day.< /strong>

If you have a sore throat, excessive phlegm, cough, or itching, you can also try it.