Food cooked in an air fryer is not healthy, how to lose weight? nutritionist says

Wenzhou Net News, as one of the “delicious and not fat” artifacts, the air fryer has recently been considered by experts as “not recommended to use more”, the reason is: “Just reducing the extra oil added does not reduce the amount of food in the food. Contains oil, which is fat.” So, is food cooked in an air fryer healthy? How to eat to lose weight?

In this regard, Tan Qianwen, a nutritionist at the Wenzhou Medical Examination Center, analyzed that although the air fryer uses the oil of the food itself for cooking, the high temperature will lose most of the vitamins and become a kind of high energy and low nutrient density. This is not advisable for both obese and healthy people. Because if the human body consumes low-nutrient-dense foods for a long time, it will aggravate the nutritional imbalance. If it must be cooked in an air fryer, it is only used as a flavoring. You can eat one or two bites, but it is not advisable to eat more.

In addition, the principle of the air fryer is to bombard the food with high temperature, which leads to the denaturation of the protein in the food, the decrease of the available active protein, and the reduction of the anti-inflammatory level in the human body, that is, it will cause Decreased antioxidant capacity.

During the nutrition consultation of Wenzhou Medical Examination Center, Tan Qianwen also found a lot of people who eat more and get fatter and lose weight more and more, most of them are office workers in their 30s and 50s. “One of the reasons for this group of people is that the pressure is generally high, and another reason is that their living habits are irregular, and their spleen and stomach are relatively poor.” Tan Qianwen introduced that this group of people is very unsuitable for long-term eating of high-fat food cooked in an air fryer. It will increase the burden on the spleen and stomach, cause internal heat, irregular stools, constipation and other phenomena, and some people will have allergies.

So, how to stay away from high-fat foods? Tan Qianwen suggested that, first of all, use more cooking methods of steaming, boiling and stewing, and avoid frying and deep-frying cooking methods; secondly, avoid fatty parts of ingredients.

If you rank the fat content of various ingredients, then seafood has the lowest fat content. In meat, there is another “disdain chain” of fat content: chicken < duck and goose < beef < mutton < pork.

Fruits and vegetables are also low in fat. But it is worth noting that some fruits, especially tropical fruits, are also high in calories. The number one is durian. Due to the high sugar content of durian, the calories are also relatively high. In addition, mango, lychee, banana, grape, sugar cane, longan, winter jujube and other fruits are also high in sugar, so it is not advisable to eat more.

Source: Wenzhou Evening News

Original title: The food cooked in the air fryer is not healthy, how to lose weight? The nutritionist said——

The fat content of food has a “chain of contempt”

Reporter: Hu Haizhen

[Source: Wenzhou Net]

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