Flowers that can grow without soil, just with water

Some plants that are very easy to maintain, such as green dill, spider orchid, lucky bamboo, dripping Guanyin, etc., do not need soil, only water, you can grow beautiful results! Let me share it with you:

One, green dill

select no pests For healthy branches, it is best to keep the edge of the blade slanted when pruning. It should be noted thatthere are still air roots on the branchesmust have aerial roots strong>. Generally, after cutting the branches, remove the leaves at the bottom of the branches, and then insert the branches into the prepared water. Put the vase in a place with astigmatism to keep it ventilated, but do a good job of changing the water to avoid root rot.

Second, spider plants

The container of hydroponic spider plants is preferably transparent, so that not only It allows the roots to receive sunlight and allows one to observe its root system.

First, take out the soil-cultivated spider plants, clean the roots, trim off the dead roots with scissors, and trim off the excess leaves. Put the spider plant in a vase and add water to completely submerge the root system. Finally, place the hydroponic spider plant in a sunny place indoors for maintenance, and wait until its root system adapts to the new environment.

Three, Lucky Bamboo

It is best to cultivate Lucky Bamboo in a cylindrical transparent container. Select healthy branches, remove the bottom leaves and cut the lower end at a 45° angle. After trimming, treat with rooting powder, and then put it in the shade to dry the wound.

In terms of water quality, it is recommended that you choose clean rainwater, well water or pure water. If you use tap water, you need to let it dry for a day. Pour the prepared water into the container, it does not need much, it only needs to reach about half the height of the container. After that, insert the branches into the water, and then put them in the shade to wait for rooting. During this period, you need to change the water for it every 3-4 days, and it will be able to take root in about half a month. In the early stage of water-raising Lucky Bamboo, pay attention to changing the water in time and pruning the roots. Pay attention to light and water after rooting, temperature and other details.

Fourth, Dripping Guanyin

A well-grown plant should be selected for hydroponic dripping Guanyin, clean the old and dead leaves on the stem, and keep two or three new leaves. Dripping Guanyin has higher water quality requirements, preferably water that has been exposed to the sun. Put the dripping Guanyin into the container, and add water to submerge one-half to one-third of the root system. During the hydroponics period, the water needs to be changed regularly, some nutrient solution can be added regularly, and the inner wall of the container should be cleaned frequently to prevent the growth of moss.

V. Copper Coin Grass

When cultivating Tong Coin Grass , you can cut out a few twigs from the flowerpot of the good-growing copper coin grass, and put it into a wide-mouth container with clean water.

Tongqiancao has high water quality requirements and needs to be replaced with clean water once a week. Tongqiancao likes a semi-shady environment, and it should not be exposed to strong sunlight in summer. In addition, it needs to be fertilized at the right time. Trim the yellow, withered and rotten leaves in time to promote the healthy growth of the copper coin grass.