Finally determined the optimal amount of coffee to “continue life”! This amount per day reduces the risk of death

Coffee is the most consumed beverage in the world today with its mellow taste, refreshment and stress relief. White-collar workers who need to keep their spirits from 9 to 5, “petty bourgeoisie” who love small gatherings and chats, college students who stay up late and fight… Whether it is “active” love or passive “needs”, the number of coffee drinkers in China is increasing day by day The advantages and disadvantages of coffee in cardiovascular and reproductive aspects have also become the focus of medical experts.

Recently, Semmelvi, Hungary A research paper titled “Light to moderate coffee consumption is associated with lower risk of death: a UK Biobank study” was published in the European Journal of Preventive Cardiology by researchers from the University of Sri Lanka and Queen Mary University of London, UK.

This study shows that drinking 0.5-3 cups of coffee a day has a protective effect on heart health, helping to reduce all-cause mortality, cardiovascular Risk of death and stroke.

Coffee is a healthy drink, but it must be consumed in moderation and scientifically, otherwise it may harm the body and mind. Coffee has a certain impact on cardiovascular, This has become the consensus of experts. However, the specific effects vary from person to person. The role of coffee should be divided into two. For people with hypertension, coronary heart disease and other heart diseases, drinking coffee is likely to cause myocardial ischemia. , palpitations, and severe angina pectoris; and for some people who are physically depressed and have weak sympathetic nerve activity, coffee can increase the activity of sympathetic nerves and speed up metabolism. People with cerebral hemangiomas are not suitable for drinking coffee , heart patients should drink decaffeinated or decaffeinated coffee, skin patients and those with stomach problems should try to drink less coffee, and diabetics should also avoid coffee with too much sugar.

Coffee’s negative cardiovascular effects are more “preferred” male. Because men drink more and are more stressed, the combined effect of caffeine and alcohol is more likely to bring cardiovascular disease to the door. For women, the situation is much better. Women’s constitution is “negative”, and coffee has the effect of “helping yang”. Women drink one to three cups of coffee a day, which can promote blood circulation and have a good effect on the prevention of heart disease. At the same time, because coffee has the function of promoting fat decomposition and consuming cholesterol and sugar, women can lose weight by drinking coffee in moderation.

Because Chinese people have different coffee drinking habits from European and American people, they like to add a lot of sugar and creamer to increase the calories of coffee, which is easy to increase the risk of cardiovascular disease . Therefore, black coffee is healthier than coffee with added milk and sugar.

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