Figure – After a long bone spur in the knee, doing this can improve symptoms and reduce pain

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Knee osteoarthritis

Knee osteoarthritis is more common in middle-aged and elderly people over 45 years old. People who often work in semi-squatting position are prone to uneven force on the knee joint, which damages the articular cartilage, gradually becomes rough, and degenerates, resulting in the occurrence of bone spurs. When sick, there may be persistent pain in the knee joint, which aggravates during activity and improves after rest. Sometimes there can be acute pain attacks, and at the same time there is joint stiffness, there is a snapping sound when the joints move, and the joint stiffness increases after sitting for a long time, and gets better after a little activity. Difficulty going up and down stairs or getting up from a chair. In the late stage, there may be swelling and deformation of the knee joint. So what should we do with these symptoms?

In our daily life, some elderly and even some middle-aged When going up and down the stairs, I often feel that my legs are weak. If I don’t quickly hold the support with my hands, I seem to kneel down involuntarily, and I feel pain in the knee joint, especially in the semi-squatting position. Some people can’t stand after squatting for a long time, and some also have pain when walking. I went to the hospital for a film, and had a long bone spur in my knee (bone hyperplasia). This is knee osteoarthritis.

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< >Content source:

People’s Health Publishing House published “From bone to tendon – what an orthopedic doctor tells you”

Editor-in-chief: Guo Shuzhang 


Human Health Quality Knowledge< /strong>

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