Fengxian District Dental Clinic reminds: Don’t make the wrong number when you see your teeth!

Registered Q&A

Don’t know which department to go to for dentistry? Today, I will take you to answer questions based on common symptoms and our registration situation!

Q1: Doctor, which department should the filling be done?

Oral Medicine. For the word “filling” in fillings, many people mistakenly think that it is a department of prosthodontics, but that is wrong. Usually we say fillings (filling holes), which refers to filling on the cavities of your own teeth. If the doctor believes that the tooth can no longer be retained after an interview, it needs to be referred to oral surgery for extraction. Restorative treatments after tooth extraction are generally called dentures and dentures.

Q2: My teeth have been swollen and sore for several days. What subject should I take?

Oral medicine should be selected for the initial diagnosis. Tooth pain, tooth sensitivity, gingival inflammation, etc. are all the scope of diagnosis and treatment of oral medicine, and the follow-up treatment plan is decided by the oral doctor after face-to-face consultation.

Q3: Why do I often bleed when I brush my teeth?

Generally, there is bleeding from brushing teeth or blood marks left by eating apples. The common ones are gingivitis or periodontitis. If there are other causes of bleeding, the periodontal or intraoral doctor will decide the treatment plan after detailed examination.

Q4: What department should I take if my teeth are cracked?

It depends on the depth and area of ​​the cracking. Full crown restoration is performed, and if it is too deep or too large, it can only be removed by oral surgery.

Q5: How can I treat my tooth with only the root left?

For the residual root that meets the conditions of preservation, it can be treated by oral medicine first and then restored. If the root is short and the section is too deep, You should first go to the oral surgery to extract the root of the tooth, and then choose whether to carry out the follow-up restoration.

Q6: Wisdom teeth are crooked, but they don’t hurt. Is it okay not to pull them out?

Oral surgery related to wisdom teeth. Crooked wisdom teeth may cause repeated inflammation, food impaction, etc., resulting in adjacent teeth lesions, and it is recommended to extract them as soon as possible.

Q7: I want to have a tooth implanted, should I have the tooth extracted in the oral surgery first and then implanted?

First visit the dental implant department, and the implant doctor will decide the implant process after the face consultation, and judge whether it meets the requirements of immediate implant. If it does not meet the requirements, the affected tooth will be extracted first, and the dental implant surgery will be performed after three months when the tooth condition is stable.

Q8: There is always a gap in the middle of my incisors, which is not very beautiful. Which department should I fix it?

On the premise that the tooth is not decayed , the initial diagnosis is linked to the prosthodontics department, and the prosthetist will decide the solution according to the situation after the face-to-face consultation.

Although the stomatology department is getting more and more detailed, the treatment of the stomatology is always a systematic process. They have their own division of labor, but assist each other. The above is only for the initial diagnosis of our institute. Due to personal judgment or the need for disease treatment, there is the possibility of referral to other departments.


On the department selection interface of the reservation system, there are corresponding descriptions of the scope of diagnosis and treatment. Remember to check carefully and make an appointment carefully, so as not to make an appointment with the wrong department and delay the treatment.

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Submission: Fengxian Dental Clinic

Edit: Wu Yan

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