Favorite health exercise for the five internal organs, often do the five internal organs to keep safe

Zhao Yan, Director of the Tuina Department/Rehabilitation Medicine Department/Pain Department, Hubei Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Director of the Rehabilitation Medical Department

The five internal organs, namely the liver, heart, spleen, lung and kidney collectively. “The Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic” has long expounded the concept of “five viscera and six fu-organs are the foundation of the body, and only healthy viscera can have a healthy body”.

The function of the five zang-organs and six fu-organs is closely related to the health of the body. Only by taking good care of the zang-organs and fu-organs can “the righteous qi be stored in the body, and the evil will not be allowed to dry out” (meaning that when the human body’s resistance is strong, the disease and evil will not easily invade the human body, and healthy and disease-free).

According to the different meridians and acupoints of the five zang-organs, the health-preserving actions of each zang-organ are also different.


I like you to slap the inside of the arm the most

The heart is connected to the two meridians of the Hand Shaoyin Heart Meridian and the Hand Jueyin Pericardial Meridian, and both are located in Inside of upper extremity. Pat the inside of the arm and stimulate the meridians, which is equivalent to a benign stimulation to the heart, which helps to increase the blood supply function of the heart.

Heart Meridian

Start from the chest and tap to the fingers. Once a day, no more than 5 minutes each time is appropriate, and the intensity is appropriate to feel comfortable when tapping.

If the heart is afraid of cold, in addition to slapping the inside of the arm, you can also rub the palm of your hand to warm it and cover it on the position of the heart, rubbing and massaging, which can dispel the cold. This action can be done 2-3 times a day. Cover for about 1 minute each time.


I like you to stretch my waist the most

Liver is the main emotion, mainly to smooth. Working or maintaining one movement for a long time can easily lead to liver qi stagnation. Stretching can make people feel comfortable, stretch the body, relax the body and mind, and achieve the effect of regulating emotions and widening the chest and regulating qi.

Liver Meridian

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the Liver Meridian passes through the two ribs, so pushing and rubbing the two ribs also helps the Qi and blood of the Liver Meridian Running, can stimulate the Qimen and Zhangmen points on the two ribs, and has the functions of strengthening the spleen and regulating qi, soothing the liver and relieving depression, and reconciling the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach.

You can “rub” your hands down the flanks (ribs), once a day, within 5 minutes.


I like you to rub my stomach the most

The abdomen is in the middle of the human body, and the kidney, stomach, spleen, and liver meridians all circulate in the abdomen The liver, gallbladder, spleen, stomach, intestines and other organs are also located in the abdomen. The abdomen is like a transportation hub. Only when it is smooth and not congested can it ensure that the meridians of the human body extend in all directions.

Spleen Meridian

Kneading the abdomen can rub and stimulate acupoints and other acupuncture points, enhance the function of the meridian, and regulate the function of the viscera. The spleen is the foundation of the day after tomorrow, and traditional Chinese medicine has always advocated the health care method of “the abdomen should be rubbed frequently”.

Half an hour after a meal, place one palm or the base of the palm on the abdomen and the other hand on the back of the hand, rotating and kneading in a clockwise direction for about 10-15 minutes each time. Long-term adherence can increase gastrointestinal motility and enhance spleen and stomach function.


I like you to tap the back most.

The scapula area on the back is the projection surface of the lungs, and there are many acupoints such as Lungsong and Dazhui. Percussion on the back area can stimulate the meridian points well, massage the lungs, help expel phlegm, and make the airway more open.

Lung Meridian

You can tap back with both hands, or tap the back with a soft auxiliary device. Generally, beat from bottom to top, from the bottom of the lung to the shoulder of the lung, and from the outside to the inside. The frequency is once a day, and each time is controlled within 5-20 minutes (no fatigue), and the strength is comfortable and pain-free.

In addition, you can also use a hot towel to ward off the cold. Use warm water at 35°C-38°C when taking a bath, starting from the back, from top to bottom, and then to the front chest and rib area, and apply heat for about 5 minutes, which can invigorate the yang and drive away the cold.


I like you to stand on tiptoe the most

The foot is closely related to the kidney meridian of the human body. Under the little toe, go obliquely on the Yongquan point in the heart of the foot, and ascend along the heel), dredge the three yin meridians of the foot, and make the qi in the body run upward, thereby warming the kidneys and stimulating the middle qi.

Kidney Meridian

As the saying goes, people age first. Tiptoe can also enhance the vitality of the roots of the feet and prevent aging. You can do it once a day in the morning and in the evening. The frequency of tiptoe is controlled at 2-3 seconds, and each time is 1-2 minutes. You can feel the heat on the soles of your feet.


1. In addition to the 5 movements, you can also massage acupuncture points

directly massage the corresponding points of the heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney Parts of the body can also play a role in maintenance. Each part can be rubbed 1-2 times a day, within 5 minutes each time, if you feel hot. Understanding the five internal organs and meridian points will help to improve the massage effect.

2. Precautions for the above health-preserving actions

1) It is not suitable for patients with tumors, patients with damaged skin and people in the period of severe disease attack.

2) All movements should be gentle and moderate. Excessive force, especially when asking for help from others, may cause pain instead of hurting the body. When self-massage, it is advisable to feel comfortable and the massage part is hot.

The picture in this article is from 2021-11-13 Guangdong Traditional Chinese Medicine “Five Zang’s Favorite Health Action, Do You Know? “, the copyright belongs to the original author