Fasting blood sugar is 8.0, is it considered high?

Mr. Huang’s grandfather is 80 years old this year. Last week, he went to the hospital to check his blood sugar alone. The result was 8.0mmol/L. Mr. Huang was frightened. Isn’t this diabetes? But my grandfather said that the doctor said nothing. Mr. Huang didn’t quite believe it. Did the doctor bully grandpa who was old and didn’t know anything? So he took the report and planned to find a doctor for a theory. The doctor patiently explained it to Mr. Huang, and Mr. Huang finally understood why the doctor said it was all right.

First of all, Mr. Huang’s grandfather had only one blood sugar test, one result cannot be directly concluded, it may be a temporary increase.

Secondly, you may have fasted too long. Many people have misunderstandings about fasting, thinking that the longer they are hungry, the better the results. In this case, blood sugar will rise and affect the measurement results.

Actually, 8-12 hours is enough, too long is not good. Mr. Huang suddenly remembered that the old man was worried that the test results were not up to standard the night before. He was hungry all night and didn’t even eat dinner.

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Also, the doctor said that measuring Before blood sugar, the body environment should be relatively stable, do not be too excited and tired, and sometimes increased activity will affect blood sugar measurement.

Mr. Huang remembered that he was going to take his grandfather to the hospital at that time, but his grandfather said that he was going to go there and exercise by the way. He was in a hurry to go to work at the time, so he forgot about it. Now that I think about it, my grandfather’s blood sugar level is on the high side, which may be partly the reason.

Finally, the doctor also mentioned that the previous night too full, insomnia, bad mood, sick and taking medicine, etc. All may affect blood sugar. If Mr. Huang is not at ease, he can take the old man to check again after a while to see if it is normal.

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The blood sugar level is not high, not to see the test results That’s fine

A normal person checks blood sugar for the purpose of disease prevention. If it is found that the blood sugar is as high as 8.0, you can rule it out according to the above factors. If everything is normal in life , but the blood sugar is too high, you should take this matter seriously, pay enough attention, and adjust your lifestyle before measuring.

Pregnant women need to take immediate measures to reduce blood sugar when they find out that their blood sugar is high Have a chat. If you already have diabetes, this result is normal, and you need to be careful about complications, dementia, tumors, etc.

In addition, the prevention of diabetes and the health care of diabetic patients need to be combined with the seasons. Now, the cold winter has passed, and the weather is gradually warming up. Improper protection or improper diet may aggravate the condition.

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People with unstable blood sugar, how to keep healthy in spring?

The temperature in spring is like the blood sugar of some patients. It is recommended that everyone stay in bed in the morning, eat a nutritious breakfast, and do simple activities at home for a while, and then go out for activities when it is not so cold outside. Because the patient’s resistance is relatively poor, going out too early is easy to get sick, and the recovery is very slow.

Some patients are sick, and it doesn’t get better after a month or two. During this period, the blood sugar is still unstable, which is very worrying. Therefore, in the spring, disease prevention should be given top priority , try not to make yourself sick. Avoid going to crowded and polluted places, prepare a blanket or scarf when you go out, and don’t let yourself get cold.

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Spring is suitable for health preservation. It is very good to use diet to regulate the body, such as eating Some foods that moisturize and nourish the spleen and stomach, people with poor appetite can eat a small amount of sour food. The amount of meat should be appropriately reduced, the ratio of vegetables and milk should be increased, and protein and vitamins should be supplemented. However, fish and shrimp can still be eaten, which is better for the brain and nerves.

Older people should not over-stress their bodies. Blood sugar problems need long-term control and cannot be solved in two or three days. Treat it as a part of life and slowly adapt to the habit. Personal emotions are very important,

strong>Don’t be too stressful. Parents should also relax properly, don’t pass on the tension to the patient, and encourage and comfort the patient so that the patient can move forward steadily.

The weather is getting warmer, and more and more people will undergo physical examinations. Those who have questions about their health or plan to review their health can take advantage of this time to check up and take care of their bodies. Healthier under the guidance of a doctor.


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[4]Fasting blood sugar is 8.0mmol/L, high or not? Doctors teach you how to correctly interpret fasting blood sugar values·diabetes Friends.2019-04-15