Farewell to “metal heart” absorbable stent was successfully implemented in Dazhou Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine

Cover reporter Luo Xuan

65-year-old Dazhou citizen Uncle Wang suddenly felt heart palpitations a few days ago, and his chest also hurt, the pain was very strong, and he was sweating profusely. The family immediately sent him to the Emergency Medicine Department of the City Hospital of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine for emergency consultation and the Cardiovascular Department for emergency consultation. After examination and consultation, Uncle Wang was diagnosed with acute myocardial infarction, the left anterior descending artery was completely occluded, and a cardiac stent was required to be implanted.

Bioabsorbable coronary rapamycin-eluting stent

However, Uncle Wang and his family are very worried about the “metal heart” that will accompany him in his blood vessels for a lifetime. After the medical staff did their work, Uncle Wang and his family agreed to the operation. In the end, under the leadership of Feng Shenghong, director of the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine of the hospital, he successfully performed coronary biodegradable stent implantation for Uncle Wang. Postoperative chest pain, chest tightness and other symptoms were immediately improved significantly. The development of this technology marks that the cardiac interventional technology in eastern Sichuan has reached a new height, officially saying goodbye to the “metal heart” and entering the “degradable era” (absorbable).

In Surgery

It is understood that traditional stents are made of metal. Once they enter the human body, they will exist permanently. The metal stent will stick to the blood vessel wall “forever”, affecting the elasticity of the blood vessel wall. Once and for all, in-stent restenosis may also occur in vascular stents. To this end, people in the medical field have been studying absorbable materials, and through unremitting efforts, biodegradable stents came into being.

According to Feng Shenghong, cardiac stents are the most commonly used medical devices in cardiac interventional surgery, which have the function of dredging arteries and blood vessels. Once implanted in the human body, it will be carried for life, which also worries some patients, especially young heart patients. Coronary interventional therapy (PCI) has experienced three generations of technical development: simple balloon dilatation, bare metal stent (BMS) and drug-eluting stent (DES). Biodegradable stents are the development direction of coronary stents, which can solve the pain point of permanent foreign bodies in drug-eluting metal stents.

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