Famous doctors and couples have eaten it for breakfast for 20 years! Better than eating eggs and milk, the stomach is relaxed, and the family loves it

The weather is getting warmer, and people are always drowsy, short of breath, lazy to talk, loss of appetite, obviously have nothing to eat, but the stomach is always bloated and uncomfortable…

After a long time, my face is dull, sallow and dull!

Director Yang Zhixu of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences has a friend in his 50s who is prone to shortness of breath, weakness, loss of appetite, and panting after walking a few steps.

Traditional Chinese medicine says that the spleen and stomach are the source of innate qi and blood biochemistry! Dr. Yang reminded that the problem is in the diet! The spleen and stomach are weak and the nutrients cannot be absorbed, resulting in poor qi and blood, weak body, and various problems.

During the Spring Festival in winter, I only focus on eating but not exercising, my face is rounded when I eat, and a layer of meat is pinched on my belly…

The middle-aged and elderly people have poor digestion ability of the spleen and stomach. If they eat too much and are too greasy, they will cause stomach bloating, acid regurgitation, heartburn, and hiccups.

What is eaten is not digested, it becomes waste and accumulates in the body and cannot be excreted.

A long time will not only cause the stomach to distend, but also cause induration and bleeding in the stool, and in severe cases, polyps and atrophic gastritis…

The pain of looking for the toilet and squatting on the toilet every day, who has tried it, who knows… The stomach has been tossed and broken!

Look at the more and more fat on this body, how dare you eat it!

Host Yueyue brought a mysterious ingredient on the program “Health Hall”, known as “plant bird’s nest”. Physician Yang Zhixu Yang of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medicine used “plant bird’s nest” with a bowl of breakfast porridge, which is simple and nutritious.

What is this mysterious plant bird’s nest?

Plant bird’s nest, nutritious breakfast porridge

A mouthful of bird’s nest costs hundreds of dollars in good quality. And this “plant bird’s nest”, every dayBowl, only a few dollars.

This is an ingredient favored by experts

It’s wheat germ!

Dr. Yang’s breakfast porridge is boiled with 20 grams of wheat germ, 50 grams of oat 250ml milk, and 10 grams of brewer’s yeast powder.

Beijing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

Teacher Sha Yimei said

Wheat germ is the essence of wheat

The volume is about 2% of the whole grain

But it makes up the bulk of the nutrition!

Rich in b vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber

Teacher Sha recommends 20-30 grams per person per day

Dr. Yang reminded that it is not easy to extract wheat germ

1000 catties of wheat can only be refined into 60 catties of wheat germ

Shi Zaixiang, a national-level famous old Chinese medicine doctor, and Huang Liuhua, Director Huang, have a bowl of Babao soup that they have been eating for more than 20 years.

It is made with wheat germ and lotus root starch, walnut powder, black sesame powder, raisins and other ingredients.

Teacher Zhang Jin also recommended another way of eating

Use 2 tablespoons of inulin, 3 tablespoons of wheat germ, and half a tablespoon of fructooligosaccharides

Stir well, eat a bowl of nutrition every day

(Healthy Kitchen)