Family Health Knowledge Lecture Hall (18) Dry skin and dandruff on legs in spring? A few tricks to teach you to ease

Arriving in spring

The skin of many friends

is often easy to appear< /span>

drydrysensitivePeeling and other problems

The skin condition is very unstable< /p>

At this time

Daily care must be taken seriously! !

What are the factors that affect the skin?
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personal factors

People with sensitive skin will be more sensitive to changes in the external environment. Slight stimulation may cause erythema, itching, burning, tingling, etc.


As age increases and the skin ages gradually, the secretion of sebum decreases, and the skin’s moisturizing effect and barrier function also increase. will weaken. This is also the reason why many elderly people suffer from pruritus.

Long-term adverse stimulation

Detergent , soap and other detergents, generally have strong cleaning power. Frequent contact and careless maintenance can damage the skin’s barrier function, leading to dryness, itching, and even cracking of the skin.

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What should I do if there is a lot of dandruff on my legs?
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The weather is dry, some people will find a lot of dander on their legs, and even wonder if they have “dander legs”. I would like to remind you that taking these 3 measures can effectively reduce the generation of dandruff:

Maintain the humidity and temperature of the environment< /span>

bath: Less washing, less rubbing, less scalding, and more oiling

intake more vitamins and high-quality protein span>


Relieves dry skin Tips↓

Tips 1 : Drink more water and make yourself a “little water man”

70% of the human body is made up of water, the foundation of life. So the easiest and most practical way to deal with dryness is to drink water.

Drink enough water a small amount and several times a day to make yourself a “little water person” and keep your skin and mouth moist.

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Coup Two: Moisturize

After becoming a water person, it is necessary to reduce the loss of body water, so the second measure to deal with dryness: moisturizing.

1. Choose a suitable moisturizing product

You can choose a cream with more oily ingredients As a moisturizing agent, it not only plays the role of lubricating and moisturizing, but also has better moisturizing power. Therefore, it is recommended to apply a moisturizing cream as soon as possible after bathing, washing your face or washing your hands.

How to choose a moisturizing cream?

Moisturizers that contain olive, shea, or jojoba oils work well. Other ingredients that can soothe dry skin include lactic acid, urea, hyaluronic acid, Dimethicone, glycerin, lanolin, mineral oil and petrolatum.

Some people may have a dry nose. If the nasal cavity is dry, you can consult a doctor and then use some drugs to moisten the nasal cavity; if the nostril is also very dry, use a cotton swab Just put some Vaseline on it.

2. Get rid of the bad habit of losing water

Don’t lick your lips.

Licking your lips is a very bad habit, and the more you lick it, the more dry it becomes.

Because after licking your lips, the saliva left on your lips will take away the moisture of your lips when they evaporate.

To keep your lips comfortable, why not put on a lip balm?

Do not wash your face with hot water.

Take a bath and wash your face with hot water, which can easily remove the sebum secreted by the skin itself. When this layer of protection is completely destroyed, the loss of moisture through the skin will increase, and the skin will suffer from dryness.

Everyone still wash your face with warm water, the best time to take a bath is 10 minutes around.

Use some mild cleaning products.

If the ingredients of the cleaning products used contain fatty acid sodium, fatty acid potassium, fatty acid ethanolamine, etc., stop using them temporarily.

These products have strong cleaning power and can destroy the lipid components on the surface, reducing the skin’s water retention capacity.

Trick 3: Use a humidifier

After using the above method, you still feel dry, Then you have to soak in water.

Oh no, to be precise, it should be hydrating the environment.

It is inefficient to put wet towels in the room and put water in the washbasin. The efficient and labor-saving way to replenish water to the environment is to use a humidifier.

Humidifiers can effectively improve indoor dryness and help maintain skin, mouth, and nasal passages It is moisturizing and reduces static electricity generation. In dry places like the north, humidifiers are more popular.

Mastered these methods

Let’s do it quickly

Hope your skin becomes

Bling Bling shiny!

Source: Beijing Health Education