Fall in today! Have you caught these sunstroke prevention mistakes?

This article is reprinted from: Guangming.com

From today (July 16)

officially enter the volts

the hottest dog days of the year coming!

What should I pay attention to?

Some misunderstandings about heatstroke prevention

Have you been recruited?


Can “Sanfu Tie” really cure diseases?

The dog days are

the general term for the early days, the middle days, and the last days


the dog days come in June. Between September

refers to the hottest and most humid and muggy period of the year

It is often heard that

the dog days should follow the concept of “winter disease and summer cure”

post “dog stickers” on time

Removing the cold in the body

Drinking iced drinks may make it hotter

hot summer

It is really enjoyable to drink an iced drink

But you know what?

Drinking iced drinks

The human body needs to generate more calories


Therefore, drinking iced drinks will not relieve the heat

Instead, it may get hotter when you drink it

In addition, experts say

Eating iced drinks

will directly stimulate the gastrointestinal tract

increase the motility of the gastrointestinal tract

and cause diarrhea

high temperature days What can I drink

to prevent heatstroke and cool down?

Don’t turn on the air conditioner!

High temperature weather

Air conditioning disease is in high incidence period

Air conditioning disease refers to some diseases caused by air conditioning

air conditioning

< p>Such as asthma, allergies, joint pain, etc.

Expert introduction

Hot weather

Vascular dilatation easily

venous blood flow slows down

staying in a dry, air-conditioned room for a long time

if not replenished in time Water

blood will become viscous

plus multiple factors such as standing and sitting for a long time

prone to lower extremity venous thrombosis

So, how to blow air conditioners in a healthy way?

Experts suggest ↓

1. Try to avoid the cold air blowing directly from the air conditioner.

2. If necessary, install a windshield.

3. Don’t blow the air conditioner immediately when you are sweating profusely

4. Try not to sleep with the air conditioner turned on

5. It is best to open the windows for 20 minutes in the morning and evening for ventilation

These people should not take Huoxiangzhengqi Water

Huoxiangzhengqi Water

It is a regular summer medicine for many families

But pay attention

The alcohol content of Huoxiangzhengqi water is relatively high

Expert Tips

The following groups of people should not take it↓

1. People allergic to alcohol

< half_split>

2. People who are taking special drugs such as cephalosporins

3. People who need to drive or work at heights

4. Pregnant women

severely Do not drink a lot of cold drinks after exercise

The temperature is high in summer

Human blood vessels are in a state of dilation

After strenuous exercise

If you drink a lot of cold drinks, Air conditioning, cold showers

The body is stimulated

It is easy to cause vasoconstriction and spasm

Induce angina pectoris and myocardial infarction

How to distinguish heatstroke with a heart attack?

Special Tips

Indoor sports may also cause heatstroke~

The above misunderstandings of heatstroke prevention

Do you understand?

Let’s spend the summer together safely~