Eye experts reveal the truth: myopia surgery can not cure myopia!

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Review of this article: Chen Haixu, Second Medical Center, PLA General Hospital, Deputy Director, Master’s Tutor

Recently, the topic of “myopia surgery cannot cure myopia” has become a hot search. Is myopia laser surgery not a cure for myopia?

Myopia surgery does not cure myopia!

Myopia surgery was once misunderstood as a cure for myopia. After surgery, you don’t need to wear glasses.

In 2021, Wei Wenbin, vice president and director of ophthalmology of Beijing Tongren Hospital, said in a program, “So far , there is no drug or surgery that can cure myopia.”

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Professor Wei Wenbin explained that the operation for myopia is only to remove glasses for everyone, but the state of myopia will never change. Especially high myopia and super high myopia cause changes in our eyeballs.

Professor Wei Wenbin emphasized that myopia is divided into three levels: mild, moderate and high. Mild is <300 degrees, moderate is 300~600 degrees, and height is >600 degrees. High myopia has become the leading cause of blindness in my country. As early as 2019, the official website of the National Health Commission stated that myopia cannot be cured under the current medical technology conditions. . In children and adolescents, myopia can be prevented, controlled and slowed by scientific eye use, increasing outdoor activity time, and reducing long-term close eye use. “The eye is like a camera, myopia is like a camera out of focus.” Chief Physician Zhao Jialiang said that myopia is a state of refractive error, and the so-called treatment of myopia is precisely to correct myopia. There is currently no cure for myopia in the world. Once a person is shortsighted, there is no cure. “Laser surgery can only remove glasses, but cannot cure or cure myopia. Wearing glasses is still the main way to correct vision for teenagers way.”Zhao Jialiang emphasized. In addition, in August 2021, Professor Wei Wenbin said in a program that long-term viewing of mobile phones, computers, staying up late, etc., can easily lead to visual fatigue, and falsehood will occur. Shortsighted. Wei Wenbin reminded that if false myopia is not relieved in time, it will become true myopia. And, regardless of age, the degree of myopia will deepen. The truth of various “treatment myopia”! 1. Can orthokeratology lenses restore vision? The “Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Myopia” issued by the National Health Commission in 2018 clearly mentioned that orthokeratology is a reversible non-surgical physical correction method. Yang Suhong, chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Children’s Hospital Affiliated to the Capital Institute of Pediatrics, introduced that although orthokeratology lenses have a good effect in delaying the degree of myopia, they cannot cure myopia. 2. Can eye massager improve myopia? Chen Yueguo, Chief Physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University Third Hospital, said that eye protection devices such as eye protection lamps and eye protection instruments have certain effects on eliminating eye fatigue. effect. However, if you really suffer from myopia, using eye protection equipment will not fundamentally improve the development of myopia. 3. Are atropine eye drops a “magic bullet”? Shi Menghai, deputy director of the Medical Optometry Department of Henan Provincial Eye Hospital, pointed out that low-concentration atropine eye drops can control myopia, but it cannot reverse myopia. “Now it is mainly used for children and adolescents who have developed myopia. In order to delay the development of myopia, atropine eye drops control the development speed. So strictly speaking, it should be called myopia control, not myopia treatment. It has no effect on reversing myopia. .”  4. Can eye movement cure myopia? Wang Kai, chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University People’s Hospital, introduced that turning the eyeball can only move the eyes and relieve visual fatigue, but cannot treat myopia. Because it is the ciliary muscle in the eyeball that affects vision, long-term use of the eye at close range or careless eye hygiene may cause the adjustment function of the ciliary muscle to decline, resulting in Juvenile pseudo-myopia, and rolling the eyeball only activates the six extraocular muscles of each eye, and rolling the eyeball moderately can only play a role in relieving visual fatigue. Preserve your eyesight and remember these 4 important points!   1. Wear glasses as soon as possible “I’m afraid I won’t be able to take off my glasses “It makes many parents feel that they should wear glasses as late as possible, which can slow down the progression of myopia. In fact, the increase in children’s myopia is not caused by wearing glasses. Lin Qi, deputy chief physician of the Department of Ophthalmology of Beijing Children’s Hospital, said that if the diopter is above 100 degrees, it is recommended to wear glasses with the appropriate degree of myopia in time. If it is not worn in time, the child needs to use more adjustment force to see objects clearly, which will increase the fatigue of the ciliary body, and the situation of myopia will only get worse. “Myopia Prevention and Control Guide” also pointed out that frame glasses are the simplest and safest corrective device, and should be reviewed at least once a year, and the glasses should be adjusted in time degree. 2. Exercise can delay myopia Wang Kai, Chief Physician, Department of Ophthalmology, Peking University People’s Hospital It is pointed out that at least 2 hours of outdoor exercise a day can effectively inhibit the progression of myopia. At the same time, Wang Kai also said that strengthening adjustment training and improving adjustment lag state can also play a role in delaying the progress of myopia, such as playing table tennis is a good training method. Because the eyeball is in the process of gazing far and near, both the gathering function and the adjustment function have been strengthened. 3. strong> The “Guidelines for the Prevention and Treatment of Myopia” compiled by the National Blind Prevention Technical Guidance Group pointed out that poor reading and writing habits are a risk factor for myopia. Adolescents who tilt their heads when writing and hold a pen with their fingertips close to the pen tip (<2 cm) have a higher prevalence of myopia. Good reading and writing habits should be cultivated. The fingertips of the pen should be one inch (3.3 cm) away from the pen tip, the chest should be one punch (6-7 cm) away from the table, and the book should be kept away from the eyes. One foot (33 cm), keep reading, writing and sitting upright, and do not read while walking, riding or lying down. 4. Eat more eye-protecting food Nutritional meal plan of the Capital Society of Health and Nutrition Gastronomy Ye Mingjue, chairman of the professional committee, pointed out that, in addition to using eye hygiene, to protect eyes, you should eat more of the four types of foods that your eyes “like”. Foods rich in vitamin A, such as animal liver, egg yolk, milk, etc.; Carotene-rich yellow , red fruits and vegetables, such as carrots, pumpkins, citrus, etc.; orange foods rich in lutein and zeaxanthin, such as kiwi, egg yolk, yellow corn, mango, etc.;rich Foods containing anthocyanins, such as broccoli, blueberries, grapes, blackcurrants, etc. In addition, controlling the time of use of electronic products is also an essential measure. Special attention is to avoid playing with mobile phones after turning off the lights!


:Health Times (ID:jksb2013)

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