Explaining OCD Science with the White Bear Effect?

#educationListen to me# Explain the science of obsessive-compulsive disorder with the white bear effect?

The white bear effect originated from an experiment by Harvard social psychologist Daniel Wegener. He asked the participants to try not to imagine a white bear. As a result, people’s minds rebounded violently, and the image of a white bear quickly came to their minds.

Some psychologists often use this theory to explain the principle of obsessive-compulsive disorder when counseling patients with obsessive-compulsive disorder, saying that as long as you don’t want to, the symptoms will not come up, It’s all your own reinforcement, causing the symptoms to keep appearing and getting worse. Some obsessive-compulsive disorder patients also think it makes sense, but the uncontrollable thoughts are of course endless episodes, and the pain is constant.

Does the onset of obsessive-compulsive disorder conform to the white bear effect? ​​The answer is no, because the white bear effect gives you a hint in advance, which is to remind you in advance not to think about anything, human thinking It is often easy to be suggested, and will be attracted by the clues prompted, and the result is involuntary thinking, but although this kind of thinking is carried away by the suggestion, it is often not painful.

The obsessive-compulsive disorder is not hinted in advance, but a real intrusive thinking, that is, when certain environments, scenes, involuntarily and uncontrollably appear automatically, and Thoughts are often very frightening, they feel that they are not resolved, do not want to understand that there will be catastrophic consequences, and try to avoid losses and harm by thinking about them.

Therefore, those who use the white bear effect to explain obsessive-compulsive disorder basically do not understand the principle of obsessive-compulsive disorder.